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Princess Peña, her knights, and the forces with her looked on, confused. All around them, the panic-stricken soldiers began desperately banging against the shield walls formed by their comrades, screaming and begging to be let in as the giant armored beasts got closer, and those who were wearing strange green uniforms approached as well, with strange staves in hand as they made their approach.
The Saderan Legionnaires eventually started banging their shields with their swords and spears, trying to scare the enemy, but this seemed ineffective, these strange men simply stood there, pointing their strange staves at them, others were kneeling down, others were laying down on their bellies and setting up strange objects, heavy metal objects with a device. Not too dissimilar to a stand of sorts.

Taking action, Princess Peña looked at the Saderan Commander. She pointed at the fat man and said.
"Commander, get the other Legions here, right now!"

"But your majesty, they are too far away to join the battle immediately. They need time to get here!" The commander replied.

Thinking quickly, Peña said.
"Let them in and reform them into battle order! Archers and Crossbowmen, fire a volley at the enemy!"

Hearing this, the shield walls opened up, and the panic-stricken soldiers were allowed to run rampant within the ranks, only for some officers, armed with sticks to beat them back into some semblance of order and cohesion.
As the fleeing troops were given a sense of order once more, saderan archers and crossbowmen rushed up. The crossbowmen went ahead of the main body of infantry, but as they were kneeling down, the men in green started shouting.

The Saderan Crossbowmen, ignoring the shouting of these strange warriors, started to load their weapons, but as they were aiming, a few of them groaned in pain and fell to the ground... To the right, two men tumbled to the back and their bodies lifeless, two large holes burned into their chests, simmering and smoking.
Then, another man fell, this time over to the left, then another, and then more.

Within seconds, Saderan Crossbowmen were groaning in pain, their ranks rapidly being whittled down rapidly as red beams of light pierced their bodies, killing them instantly.

The Kovenant Frontiersmen didn't let up. Without uttering a single word, they kept shooting, dozens of crossbowmen falling as they set their Laser-Gewehrs on full auto fire.
It was here that the Kovenant Infantry moved forward little by little, slow, deliberate steps followed by the deaths of dozens.

The Saderan Infantrymen looked on, stunned and horrified. Within mere seconds, the whole mass of crossbowmen in front of them had been cut down, their bodies littering the ground. Even Princess Peña and her Knight Bozes were all but silent.

"Archers, fire! Fire!" Ordered Princess Peña.
She began riding up and down the row of Archers. The archers took up their arms, and soon, the arrows started flying, coming down upon the Kovenant soldiers.

"Take cover!" Yelled one of the Frontiersmen.
Those who could hide behind walls or run back to the nearby buildings to hide, breaking windows and shooting from inside. Those who were too far out simply nodded their head and let the arrows fall down.

For a brief moment, the hope of the Princess Skyrocketed.
She began to draw her sword, and she was about to order a charge, but no more than a few moments later, did her expression sour into something shallow and false...
As the arrows landed and hit the Kovenant soldiers out in the open, the arrows, almost without reason, bounced off of the clothing these men in uniform were wearing. Arrow after arrow failed to penetrate. Instead, they hit and bounced harmlessly off. Even the base of the hats they were wearing were left entirely undamaged.

The Princess and the other soldiers stood there, stunned.
Panicked, the archers fired another volley, only for this volley of arrows to have similar results. Unable to penetrate the clothing of these soldiers.

Gate: Thus, the Kovenant Empire fought there.Where stories live. Discover now