Arc 2 Part 5.

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Lelei tightened the grip on her staff as she saw Conrad, Skrosamzy, and some of the others approaching, she could feel the heat around her getting more intense, and yet her body felt as though it were freezing from the inside, it was a strange feeling that she rarely ever felt, perhaps she felt this way once or twice before, once when she was first doing some basic spells and another when she was trying to perform her first ever magic spells and again when she was learning ever more complicated spells. Now that feeling is returning to her once more.
She looked at Luna for some reassurance and much to her relief, Luna seemed as relaxed as ever, the Neko gave a salute to Skrosamzy and Conrad.
"Herr Leutnant, Sargeant... What can I do for you?"

Lieutenant Skrosamzy replied. "Who is this lady you are speaking to? Can she understand Burgundian?"

"No, mein Herr, I was just speaking to her with the language I learned in the dictionary. Although she has been telling me a few interesting things... Supposedly, she's some kind of magic user, says she has been studying to become a professional in the field of magic, whatever that means..." Luna replied. The Neko scratched the back of her head.
"To tell you my thoughts sir, I think she's this world's equivalent to a Psychic... She seems to be capable of things similar to the Psychic arts back home, she can show some to you should you wish."

Conrad then asked.
"Sure, but we need to know how much she knows about this world, we are looking to question here while we are processing the rest of her people as refugees."

Luna perked up.
"Ah... Well, in that case, I think we found the golden goose with her. She's been talking to me about village life and she even told me about a City called Italica, seems like she knows a bit of everything, a good fit for some questioning."

Conrad gave a nod and he turned at Skrosamzy, the Lieutenant gave the sergeant a silent nod to which Conrad smiled back.
Then Conrad turned to Bruno and said.
"Alright, we have our person, Bruno tell the rest of the squad to let the refugees in and guide them toward the nearby refugee camp... I am told that our MPs have been setting up a center for these people while they were waiting, I want you to take them there, and give them a warm meal. The place should be east of the Gate."

Bruno gave a salute.
Bruno then walked towards the others and said. "Alright, listen up... Jonas, Dian, let the people in already, Michael, Bernhard, and Pearl will keep track of the flow of people as they enter, the rest of you follow me... We're going to take them to a camp nearby. Move people!"

The Coda Villagers were initially confused at the commotion that the Kovenant troops were now making. Suddenly, they saw Jonas and Dian lifting up the roadblock that was keeping them out, and as it was secured in place, Dian grabbed a dictionary and said in broken Saderan.
"Come... Come with! Food! Shelter!"
Jonas nearly cringed hearing his dear sister speak in such a broken manner, he turned back and stepped in.
"Like she said, come with us, we have a place for you to rest and eat up, please follow us."

Dian looked at her brother with a smile. "Damn bro, you speak better than I do!"

"You were smoking the whole time, not reading up on the dictionary!" Jonas remarked, much to the delight of his sister who simply laughed at him.
Jonas rolled his eyes and looked at the Coda villagers.
"Um. Please ignore my sister, come with us we will take you to a place where you can rest and have a nice, warm meal and a bath."

Upon hearing this the villagers all started to whisper and murmur to each other but Jonas and the others could tell that they were happy.
Soon enough the first few people started to walk beyond the checkpoint, many of whom were walking up to the squad members saying "Thank you." "You have saved us, we were not sure we could make it!"
"Food! At last, we can eat!"

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