Arc 2 Part 4.

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(A day later.)

Lieutenant Skrosamzy looked over at the area just to his left. This battle was quicker than expected, he had been prepared for an even longer fight yet that would not seem to be the case. Looking back perhaps he had been too hasty to assume that such a fight was going to take that long, this isn't the Orion Maze, and this certainly wasn't Skiross, never mind the battlefield back in the home universe. Still, Skrosamzy gave a sigh of relief as he took in the fresh air.
The area that he was looking over was the temporary POW camp, it consisted of what were essentially just a few chainlink fences surrounded by Military police on sentry duty as well as their Dog companions.

To spite being a rather short battle the number of prisoners that were taken was nothing to scoff at. Thousands and thousands of soldiers were being held here. Not to mention hundreds and hundreds of Alter-Humans, all of various sizes and with their equipment being tallied up.

That isn't even mentioning all the items recovered by Kovenant forces after the battle. The Vrinngrenadiers managed to uncover what appeared to be the funds for this army, it was all wealth in the form of coin and though some soldiers wanted to take some, they ultimately still stayed true to their obligations. As well as the money acquired, the troops also captured many thousands of horses. These war horses were of fine quality and surprisingly none of them had been hurt during the battle that occurred here.

"Those horses will fetch a handsome price back home..." Skrosamzy said to himself.

As he said those words, the Horses are all being looked over by yet more Vrinngrenadiers. They are scheduled to be brought back to Kovenant space after they are studied and vetted, once done, these horses will be sold to local farmers and those who really need new animals or even for the particularly passionate nobleman or women, either way, these horses will have something after all of this, something new to look forward to.

Skrosamzy took a deep sigh. He turned around and at the corner of his eye he could see his command half-track, voices could be heard within and the chatter of communications equipment was self-evident. Skrosmazy walked over and as he looked inside of the vehicle he asked.
"Has General Engel sent the rest of the 87th through yet?"

The man on the comms equipment replied.
"Yes sir, the rest of the 87th has spread out and is securing a perimeter around the Gate, large areas of land have been taken already and defensive works are being made... As for our unit, our division is currently gathering up for a big push towards a town called Italica, to occur within the next three days, for now, the General has ordered all of the 3rd Division to stay here for now, to rest and recuperate."

"How many casualties in my Platoon?" Asked Skrosamzy.

"There were a few minor injuries, mostly from troops tripping over some rocks as well as a few cases where soldiers had some minor cuts, but there were no fatalities."

"Good." Lieutenant Skrosamzy said. "Oh, and how long will it take to process the prisoners? We certainly have a lot of them."

"Ah. According to the MPs, processing will take some time, although it's nothing that we should be worrying about, the task of processing the POWs has been handed over to the Frontiersmen as well as the Military police. They'll be staying behind to provide rear-line security while we set up everything else... General Engel is preparing everything that we will need for future operations."
The man then reached for something next to him, revealing a folder filled with paper.
"She's setting up supply lines as we speak, requesting an extra seven thousand general-purpose trucks to augment the already considerable fleet of trucks present in the 87th's logistical units... Combat Pioneers are bringing in construction bots and are also building new roads and infrastructure, as well as constructing standard fortifications and bunkers. Lastly, the General has ordered the construction of at least three bases close to one another, as well as countless smaller outposts and barracks."

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