The end

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Weeks have passed and the guns have long ago ceased to fire, the terror was gone, and instead, all that was left was the sound of Saderan legionnaires marching down the streets and toward the city gates. With them was a grand host of knights belonging to the order that Piña had founded all those years ago, they moved with pride and purpose, and the lead knight: Bozes, had a smile on her face. As the party moved towards the city gate, they looked back at the site of the Imperial palace, where a new monarch had been proclaimed. For as Molt fell from grace, Piña took on the reigns and when the messengers reached Kovenant lines as to these developments, the Kovenant stood, silent.

Bozes could still remember the events of a few days ago, there was a grand ceremony, as grand as one could get under the circumstances. Molt was driven out of the Imperial palace by a party of angry senators and commoners who joined the frenzy, the bodyguards he had with him took him out safely and as he set foot outside of the Imperial palace for the final time, he looked back and saw Piña standing high and mighty, her knights by her side as the senate, seeing the writing on the wall, made their support for the new monarch clear, followed soon thereafter by armies of administrators and personnel from Italica, brought over by the Kovenant and approved by Italica's current ruler, much to the delight of Piña.

The following days were spent formalizing her reign via a grand ceremony. Food was shared with all high-class members of Saderan society present in the city, much to their surprise and relief, most of the city was undamaged, and Kovenant dummy shells had that terror effect, making a loud bang and not damaging a thing.

At the height of the ceremony, Piña made a vow to end the war to the applause of both the common people and the nobles and as part of that, she released and tracked down everyone taken from the expeditions across the gate, while none were taken from the Kovenant, many of those kept in bondage were those who had been taken from the Japanese side.
As a sign of goodwill as the new reigning monarch of the empire, the now Empress Piña has seen fit to arrange for the return of all these people to the care of the JSDF, with the Kovenant acting as the middleman to ensure nothing went wrong.

In light of massive military losses against the Kovenant and the JSDF, the Saderan state has abandoned its former vassals and has made it a priority to secure the empire itself, rebuild strength, and be rich and glorious.

"Madam Bozes, where is Empress Piña?" Asked one of the knights.

"She's outside the city, meeting with Kovenant delegates in a prepared venue made from tents." Bozes replied.
"We are to be there to act as witnesses to the peace."

"But how will we know that the Kovenant is truly serious about supporting her rule?"

Bozes smiled, she looked at the others around her and then pointed up at the sky.
Confused, the knights looked up, it was a clear day with few clouds, and the birds and the men of the Saderan Wyvern corp littered the sky, this was most unusual, those men and their mounts should be resting by now, not flying around like this.
As they looked onwards at the setting sun, however, they could see something, strange shapes rapidly approaching. They were larger than typical wyverns and faster. As the objects approached a strange sound was heard in the air, it sounded like a whining sound that got louder and louder until it became a roar.

"Men and women of the city, rejoice, peace has come, let us end this bloodshed! We, the aviators of the Kovenant Imperial Air Force have brought gifts. May both our Gods and yours be our witness!"

Kovenant dropships in their hundreds, accompanied by twice as many helicopters flew over the city, as they did so, they briefly hovered over civilian residences and densely populated parts of the city, there, the crews began releasing large crates, slowly gliding down via parachute. These scenes played out countless times as seemingly endless waves of Kovenant air assets fill the sky, dropping more crates into the city. As these magnificent machines flew, so too did something in the hearts and minds of the knights watching, wyverns were already something to behold, but to these flying machines was something else.

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