Arc 2 Part 1.

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(Seven days later.)

Countess Myui was looking over the city, she stood atop the balcony, the wind gentle upon her face as it blew to the west. She had received non-stop reports and heard testimonies from those on the walls that night, she knew that they had been attacked, that a group of bandits, formally of the Saderan army, tried to storm the walls. Yet it was the aftermath that bothered her, they sustained casualties, they had been attacked, and yes, the enemy had almost managed to climb the walls, but the mere fact that the attack was not only repelled but also claimed the lives of so many bandits was simply astonishing to her. The next morning, the number of bodies was astonishing; some fell from the arrows, and others were killed through some form of magic, but the attack was stopped.

She took a deep breath and looked down at the courtyard below, down at the group of knights gathering in force. These were supposed to be the other Knight orders of the Empire, ever since the overwhelming majority of Pena's Knight orders disappeared across the other world the Empire has been scrambling for whatever Knight orders were available to help in the defense of the whole Empire, Knight orders from those who were stationed on the Frontiers to those who live in the Capital, all were being rallied. The force of knights gathering down below would have been enough to account for a full order of Knights already.

Myui took a deep sigh. She turned around and walked back into her palace.
Things haven't been the same ever since Father went away. She knew that she had a responsibility here, she was the next in line to succeed, and though the inheritance was not exactly what anyone with two brain cells call smooth, it was still in her hands. She walked over to the throne room and as she was about to sit down once more, one of her maids approached and said.
"My lady, disturbing news from beyond the city... It appears that the Senate erupted into factionalism."

"What?" Myui said. "In a time like this? Why?"

"I'm afraid so." The maid said. "It appears that the Emperor is having issues keeping them in check, not to mention the Empire raising new armies is draining more and more of the Empire's coffers with it. Some are saying that it's almost gonna bankrupt the entire state... It's honestly rather distressing."

Myui sighed.
"How about the town militia? What are they doing?"

"Oh, well... We have managed to replace those lost during last night's attack and the Militia is feeling confident!" The maid replied.
"After all, the Gods helped out last night, what else could explain it other than the Gods coming down to help us? The Militia have offered tribute to local temples and prayed up to the Heavens."

That was good, at least there was something out there that was going her way. Myui took a deep sigh and just as she was about to ask another question, frantic knocking erupted upon the door leading into the room. No more than a few seconds later, another pair of her servants burst into the room, accompanied by the frantic panting of other militiamen.
As they rushed in, they went before the Countess and bowed down and said.
"Y-your majesty! We must evacuate immediately!"

Myui looked on in shock and said,
"Lower your tone, what are you on about? What's happening?"

"My lady! The men sent out to scout where the bandits were hiding have been driven back, they saw that the remnants of the bandit force had been decimated by some unknown force, they were forced back and sustained casualties in the fighting and they are being treated as we speak... But that force... They have sent the Bandits running for their lives and are now heading right toward us, they have strange beasts, beasts that are made out of metal and they appear to be magic users!"

One of the militiamen then came up and bowed down.
"My lady, it's true, t-there must be a few dozen of them at least three dozen of those men and they are all armed to the teeth! That group alone was able to decimate large groups of bandits, my lady, I beg of you, you must retreat! Escape before this city falls!"

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