Saderan Crisis.

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The clock strikes mid-day.

The Senate floor was filled with cries for war and chanting as senators and nobles of the Saderan Empire received the bitter news. Generals were among the crowds and though they tried to calm their colleagues down they too were dragged into the arguments, even the guards had to cover their ears as they heard more and more of the same thing. Losing one expeditionary force was bad enough, sending them through the Gate even more so and the supply expenditure alone was more than a little concerning for the Empire's stretched coffers. But this? To lose another massive expeditionary force so soon after the first and to have the Princess go missing? That was more than enough to fuel arguments against sending more, never mind the fact that the second expeditionary force was larger than the first one by a significant margin.

And to think that it has only been a few weeks by this point.

Insults were thrown and passionate speeches were made, mixed in with angry shouting. All of this and more was what Emperor Molt walked into after his meeting with his top generals and commanders. As the doors opened up, creaking in defiance, the Senate floor gradually died down, as though each step taken by the Emperor was signaling them to do so, as Molt walked towards the Throne room, his keen eyes could read the emotion. Some were clearly agitated, others had bags under their eyes and were crossing their arms, murmuring something under the cover of those standing up, the war hawks over the right wing of the room, all wearing beautifully ornate clothes and garments, some with visible battle scars others without, with old men dressed in armor and red cloaks by their side, the signs of those who have won in battle and who are familiar with the concept of war and conquest, of loot and glory. Almost directly opposite them, were younger men, with a handful of older peers among them, ornate clothes and jewelry though of a more passive demeanor, clean-shaven and obviously finding strength in each other as they stared the opposition in the face.

The tension was thick, so thick that it felt like something was actively adding weight upon Molt's feet. He wanted to cut it with a sword, but he banished those thoughts from his mind. As he ascended to the throne and sat down, he was greeted by one of the Senators from the war hawks, The man that walked in front of him was a grizzled veteran of many battles, he was a commander and senator both, a not too uncommon sight these days. "Greetings, Your Highness, I hope you had a wonderful morning... We have received news that the second expeditionary force has been annihilated... Do you have any plans going forward? If not we will simply have to take matters into our own hands."

Molt scoffed a bit, he could see right through this, he could see the war faction smiling and snickering among themselves in the corner, they were trying to discredit him. "Yes, I have a plan." He said, raising his hand to the high heavens. "In light of the disaster at the second Gate, I will issue another call to arms, The Saderan Empire still has a lot of its revenue intake and I will utilize that in the defense of the Empire."

The War faction looked among themselves, some whispered, yet more smiling as they listened.

"While the loss of these legions is regrettable, they can quickly be replaced, our plains are endless, our men are strong and we have the ability to raise more armies if needed." Molt said, leaning against the palm of his hand. "If all things go well and when the enemy from both Gates decides to enter our world, we will have many more legions at the ready in order to fight them... Send out another conscription order to all corners of the Empire, particularly those regions and provinces that have yet to contribute any of their manpower to the cause. While you are at it, give out another order for Demi-Humans to be raised into the legions."

"That may not be possible my Emperor." Said a senator from the back end of the room. "The Imperial coffers are strained and we have a limited amount of money to work with, we may not be able to train and raise those additional forces in any sort of timely manner. What do you propose we do?"

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