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Before we start, I'd just like to let you guys know that I have a Patreon page!

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With that, on with the story!


Princess Pena woke up, the pain in her body was gone but so too was most of the weight, her eyes looked up at a bright light overhead and she groaned, strained, she looked down at the rest of her body, she found herself laying down on some kind of bed. Much to the shock of her face she was no longer wearing her armor and instead, she was wearing some kind of gown. Fear gripped her once again and she tried to move but found that her body was extremely difficult to move, she groaned, trying to raise her arms but it felt as though she were trying to lift two stone ovens, shaking before ultimately coming to rest on the bed once more.

As she finished struggling she also noticed to her horror that her arm was pierced by some kind of metallic object, with a tube pumping a strange pink and purple substance into her body. She began to breathe rapidly, now she knew was the snake's prey felt like as she stared at what seemed like some sick ritual.
"Emroy help me!"

"W-where am I? Where are my legionnaires?!" Pena shouted.

As she said those words, her mind raced as she tried to get a good idea of what kind of place she was brought to, on both her left and right she saw rows of beds similar to her own, and on them were a huge number of men, all hooked up to various contraptions.

Strange transparent tubes were stabbed into their arms, with strange purple or punk fluids being pumped into their bodies. Pena was no fool, she recognized some of the men by their faces, these are her officers, her centurions, as well as entire cohorts worth of soldiers laying alongside her in a similar condition.

"Legionnaires! Get up, get up, and fight, we must escape this place!"

She once again tried to move but it felt as though her entire body was unresponsive.
"Wake up, all of you, wake up and grab your weapons we must escape!"

Yet, no response, as Pena looked at her forces she could see that they were all breathing, at the very least they are alive. She looked around and much to her horror, she noticed a group of people coming towards her, running at her supported by women who appear to be wearing white gowns on some kind of maid outfit she hasn't seen before.

They were not the men in green that she had so recently fought. However, some of them were wearing dreadful-looking clothes. The mono-eye striking fear into the princess who remembers seeing them on the battlefield... But as they drew closer, the dread was gone and instead what greeted her were people dressed in light grey uniforms and who had them decorated with symbols, a white cross on a red background... An image of religious importance perhaps?

(New art to be placed here soon.)

As these people rushed over to her and immediately she shouted.
"Get away from me! Don't come any closer!"

She tried to squirm and kick, but her body was far too weak, sluggish, and painfully slow and heavy to move. She let out a determined war cry, yet her zeal was overcome with a great sense of fear, fear of these people trying to hold her down. Her mind once more went into overdrive.

One of the men then came by her and said something to her. The Princess froze as she listened, but the words he was speaking sounded like nothing she had ever heard before. It sounded strong, like something one would hear from a man trying to teach her something.
"Beruhige dich bitte! Wir sind nicht hier, um Ihnen wehzutun!"
Those words were repeated once again, this time by one of the females wearing the strange white gowns.

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