Soldiers of the 87th.

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The area surrounding the Gate was nothing like the area that it used to be, where once there were vast fields all around, they were littered with outposts, defensive bunkers, trenches, and forward operating bases complete with large warehouses meant to store the supplies needed for a lengthy campaign. What was remarkable was the speed in which all of this was constructed, it took the Imperial Combat Pioneers only a few hours to set all of this time, certainly due to their skill. But one could not deny that pre-fabricated, orbitally dropped base modules certainly made the process way faster than it otherwise should have. Those same Combat Pioneers now look up to the stars now and again and as the next orbital drop came into view, they rushed towards them, followed closely by Imperial technicians and Construction bots.

All around the area, soldiers in their thousands gathered, The road was a flood of activity as trucks, half-tracks, and tanks made their way to standing grounds close to the FOBs. Even the air was full, as Imperial Dropships and other machines of war roared across the sky, landing on dirt runways or nearby airfields.

The troops gathered here were Frontiersmen, most of whom had been stationed in bases all over the colony, and now, they were being summoned here in their thousands. First simple companies, then, Battalions and before long whole Divisions of Frontiersmen were brought here, arriving on trains or the roads in their vehicles, Though they were many and the infrastructure placed here was great, there was still that sense of unease among the troops — They knew what was going on, they heard it from reports and that even the Kaiser himself had ordered this setup. But the troops kept their composure.

A light rain had been pummeling the area for hours now and as night slowly fell, the troops were forced to endure the rain as they made their way to the rally points, all while the loudspeakers called out the names of units and gave instructions.

"38th Frontiersmen Division, make your way to stanging ground alpha."
"11th Panzer Division, stand by for orders, refuel, rearm, and await further instructions."
"... Please be advised, Independent Walker detachments are to arrive within the hour."

At the head of the Frontiersmen was a staff car, containing none other than their Division commander, a general, and his command staff.

As the Frontiersmen reached their designated rally point, one of them asked. "So who are we fighting?"
"I don't know, best that the reports tell us, this is some kind of new enemy going by the name of the Saderan Empire."
Almost immediately the troops looked at one another, raising eyebrows and listening in.
"The Kaiser and Kaiserin have ordered an expeditionary force be made to investigate the Gate and what may lay beyond, which is why we're here, but as you've heard from the loudspeakers we aren't the only ones... There are Panzer Divisions, Vrinngrenadiers, Panzergrenadiers, hell there's even rumors of Imperial Fallschirmjager forces being assigned here soon."

As they reached the rally point, the Frontiersmen Division was met by the harsh whistle of Military police, waving their hands and guiding them to where they were assigned. "You are the 9th Frontiersmen Divison, yes?"
"That's correct!"
The MP gave a nod, looking at his tablet, he raised his hand towards the east.
"Your spot should be over there at the far end of the rally field, There are barracks ready for you and a warm meal as soon as you get settled in, sir!"

The General in his staff car gave a nod, driving forward followed by his troops, alongside their trucks and other such vehicles. Coming via great formations of men marching through the road. Yet they were not the only ones here, among the tens of thousands of Frontiersmen were other troops. Imperial Panzer units made their way to their designated rally point, trucks continued to move back and forth as other units such as Vrinngrenadiers and Panzer Grenadiers appeared over the other roads.

Among the new arrivals was another Division, based on the fact they were all wearing field caps and were wearing older versions of battle masks or were wearing none at all that these were yet more Vrinngrenadiers. However as they got closer and as their silhouettes became more and more visible, the troops could now see their banners, The banner bots that hoist these banners on high were old, having seen much action with signs of improved repairs and replacement limbs apparent all over their skeleton-like frames. As this group of Vrinngrenadiers arrived at the first checkpoint and got through, the Frontiersmen couldn't help but notice that these soldiers were more heavily kitted out than what would usually be found on Vrinngrenadiers.

Gate: Thus, the Kovenant Empire fought there.Where stories live. Discover now