Arc 2 Part 2.

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The night was long and cold for the Saderan Garrisons stationed at the second Gate. The earth grew cold and the men exhausted as they made preparations for the coming winter. Fires were lit all over the camp as soldiers tried to make themselves at home, settling down for what was soon to come. The wyverns were fed, and the non-human auxiliaries were given their share of the night watch as the fresh batch of legionnaires, fresh from their rest period came to relieve the troops who had been on watch before them, the wind picked up as tents not secured properly were blown away, while those that stood upon strong foundations remained firm as legionnaires tried to chase down the lost tents. Horsemen rode around all over the place as the troopers all buckled in.

However, the stinging defeat and shame were too much to ignore. The mere fact that they were attacked and not only escaped but also broke through their defenses and killed many of their numbers was too much of a wound.

While no one truly knows for certain, the facts were there: dozens of figures appeared from the Gate, carrying banners and riding on monsters not yet seen in this world. Emerging from the second Gate with a furious will, they decimated three outposts and slaughtered many of the troops sent to stop them, running circles around the Saderan garrison on their metal beasts and weapons that could kill many with but a single blow. Followed by massive numbers of explosions and shattered outpost walls. Indeed the explosions were so great that there were still many dismembered body parts scattered across the field, just waiting to be found and collected.
They lost a great many comrades that day and before they could even figure out who they were, the assailants from the other world escaped their grasp. Leaving behind shattered fortifications, outposts set ablaze, and a huge trail of dead behind them as they vanished without a trace.

And now, word reached them that huge numbers of the former expeditionary forces sent across the Gate at Alnus, as well as members of the Alnus garrison had deserted and now roam the land as bandits, no word has reached them regarding their location or intent, but morale was not doing well.

Yet the men at the second Gate refused to give up hope. No, they are better than the traitors who became bandits, they will hold their own and remain ever vigilant, and with many fresh troops arriving, they now had twice the number of soldiers available to them and the mass consumption of food and drink was able to help mend wounds.

Among them stood the commander, looking over one of the palisades and at the Gate that lay in the open field beyond. Surrounded by outposts and guard towers. The forces he had under his command were indeed nothing to scoff at, some thirty-five thousand Legionnaires stood by his side, around a third of which were veteran troops and seasoned warriors, while the others were conscripts and recently arriving volunteers.

He gave himself a laugh. He looked over to his right and saw his subordinate approaching, the chief centurion said.
"My lord, the situation in Alnus Hill is still a mystery to us."

"How so?"

"The scouts sent out have yet to return and there are strange sitings around the area as well, of strange men dressed in Green and making the area into some kind of encampment."

The commander scoffed. He was the replacement for the previous commander. The man before him had gone insane from the battle that took place here and thus became an opportunity, he was fortunate enough to have had allies in high places, and the benefits of the nobility are far-reaching indeed.
"It's fine, we have more than enough men now, I am certain that whatever is happening on Alnus is not our concern. Speaking of which, what is the status on the scouts sent across the Gate?"

The Centurion froze up. The new commander had sent some two hundred horsemen across the Gate in order to scout ahead and see what was waiting on the other side and then disguise it as merely probing the enemy, many officers had opposed that, especially when their orders to garrison the second Gate was exceptionally strict.
The Centurion replied.
"They have not returned yet... They were supposed to check in hours ago, but still, they have not returned."

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