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Hello all!! I used to write stories when I was 13 you know the fan fictions, I recently redownloaded Wattpad because I need something else to do and my mind has been on writing a new story, so I'm giving it another try!

This is not a fan fiction I just used some of the first names of the boys, a new character photo will be added each chapter, some of my fav celebs!

Brandy's POV

"Brandy seriously this is the 3rd time this week you have slept through your alarm" my older brother Taylor boomed as he turned on the lights in my room and ripped open the curtains. "I can't sleep at night and when I finally do here you are" I huff rolling out of bed and onto the floor. "Come on kid I know school isn't your favorite but you gotta go" he sighed dragging me up and pulling me into a hug. "Fine, but I expect a smoothie when I get home" I winked running to my bathroom, "you don't get a smoothie for going to school maybe clean the kitchen, vacuum the rugs and then I'll think out it" he yelled through the closed door. I rolled my eyes and got in the shower. Once I was done I pulled on a pair of boot cut jeans, an old t shirt and my hey dudes. I ran a comb through my hair brushed my teeth and ran downstairs to Taylor already in the truck waiting for me.

Where I come from trucks are the it vehicle, no teslas, or Prius, here we sink out trucks in mud for fun, haha. Taylor's truck though is a bit a pavement princess seeing as he just splurged to get a nicer used truck. We said goodbye to the 2003 chevy Silverado and hello to the shiny 2016 ford f-250. It's just Taylor and I now, he's 24 and I'm 17. 4 years ago my parents sadly passed away in a car accident after a semi took a turn going to fast and veered into their lane. I still miss them everyday but I was fortunate enough that Taylor was 20 and was already working a good job. He's a diesel mechanic and my parents had the house paid off so we are able to stay in our childhood home and just pay the bills which I help out with.

I work at Runnings part time and chip in to help with groceries and the phone bills. It was a rough road at first but Taylor is now my best friend and takes care of me better than anyone else could. From time to time his 3 best friends Cameron, Grayson, and Bellamy come to stay with us. Cam and Gray are Taylor's age and completing their masters and Bellamy is 20 completing his bachelors. I can't wait until they are home all of time they are moving in at the end of may and I couldn't be more excited to have my 3 built in big brothers home. While they are away my neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler help us out, they love to cook and will always bring over the most delicious casseroles. They have a daughter but she's in her late 20's now she moved down to Florida with her husband so I don't get to see her anymore. Our bedroom windows lined up with one another's so we would always climb the tree to each other's rooms to hang out. Even though she was so much older than me she never made me feel small and I stare at the window everyday waiting for her to come home.

I was snapped out of my daydream to the truck door being ripped open and my best friend Kyler pulling me from my seat. "Love you Tay!" I shout as I slam the door shut. I could see him roll his eyes as pulled out of the parking lot. Kyler had her arm linked with mine as my other best friend Becca was basically drooling. "Ok what is up with you guys" I laughed looking between the 2 of them. "There's a new guy!!!!" Becca shouts as I slap my hand over her mouth. "Don't make a scene" I giggle "so who is he is he famous because you guys seem a little too excited for his arrival" Kyler pinches me and turns me toward the direction of this said boy.

I understand now, this boy was dreamy, hotter than any boy that roams the halls of this dump day to day. He wore Carolina boots with jeans that hugged his ass perfectly, paired with a Carhartt t-shirt and a backwards hat. "See now Brandy gets it too" Becca laughed lifting my jaw up. "How is he even allowed to go here nobody around us looks that good" I laughed as we walked passed him into school. "Beats me but now we have something to look forward to" Kyler beamed as we went out separate ways to class. I made my way to Algebra 2 and plopped down at my table throwing my back pack in the seat next to me. This class makes me want to gouge my eyes out and Mr. Conrad is the worst, he's mean and speaks in the most monotone voice, I don't comprehend anything he says which is probably the reason I'm on the verge of failing the class. Everyone continued to file in until a new, now familiar face walked in the room. I kept my head down trying not to stare when I felt a presence above me. I looked up to see him looking directly at me and immediately my cheeks heated up, a major issue I have as you'll see. "Can I sit with you?" He questioned, I didn't even know what to say, yes I want him to sit here, but also no because I like to sit alone I need my space and also there are 2 other empty tables! Before I could answer he shoved my bag off the seat and plopped down next to me.

"You're staring" I mumbled as he had not taken his eyes off me, "I'm curious as to why you won't look me" he raised an eye brow laughing. I leaned back in my seat quickly thinking of an answer to spew without making myself look stupid. "It's first period and I barely slept last night" I huffed out, good Brandy that was good don't make yourself the known loser just yet, I thought to myself. "Up late partying I heard there's some of the best out here" he gushed, the fact that this boy thinks I was out partying on a Thursday night.... I don't want him to know the real me. "Ya, ya we'll go with that" I waved him away putting my head in my hands. "I'm Ashton" he extended his hand and I hesitantly shook it his eyes boring into mine. His eyes. HIS EYES! The perfect shade of blue they were piercing, gorgeous, I want to throw up. "Brandy" I gave a small smile before turning back to my notebook.

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