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Taylor's POV

I pulled up to the school and Brandy was no where to be found. She's always impatiently waiting for me to pick her up. I gave her a call,


Tay- Brandy I'm here where are you

Brandy- sorry I'll be out in one minute ok

Tay- are you alright? Are you crying?

Brandy- I'm fine just some issues after school today is all I'll see you soon

Tay- ok I'm in my normal spot

End Convo-

I could tell she was sobbing which made me extremely nervous, I can't stand seeing her upset knowing that there's nothing I can do to fix it all I can do is be there for her.

I saw her coming out of the school with none other than Ashton. Anger immediately pulsed through me, did he do something to her? He opened the truck door for her and she got in quietly, I watched as Ashton walked over to my window. "Hey man" he said reaching in to shake my hand which threw me off guard I shook it back.

"Look I'm sorry my girlfriend, well ex girlfriend now really hurt Brandy today please make sure she's ok and make sure she ices that cheek" he sighed looking defeated. My head snapped to look at Brandy who had a nice swollen bump forming in her cheek. " ok thanks for looking out for her" I gave him a forced smile and he nodded making his way to his truck.

"Brand kiddo what happened" I asked reaching my hand over to her. She laid her head down on my arm holding on to my hand. "I know you're gonna be mad at me but I think Ashton and I are becoming friends after working on the project together we just talk at school. I was just talking with him and his friends waiting for you and Brianna came up pissed and punched me in the cheek, then she told them about what happened after mom and dad died" she sobbed so hard I could feel her hot tears on my hand.

I tensed up I can't yell at her for making a friend but I just don't know if I can trust Ashton. But telling the new kid at school about Brandy's break was not cool at all it's traumatizing enough for her as it is. "I'm sorry Brandy you shouldn't be punished for making a new friend, and I'm not mad at you we can give him a chance because maybe he has changed but if he slips up once I will kill him" I said and she quietly laughed. "Taylor and Brandy night?" I asked and her head perked up nodding.

We haven't done one of these in a while we always get stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut and watch Dodgeball together. We pulled into the driveway and Ashton pulled in next door. For some reason I'm still angry with him even though he did everything right in this situation.

I opened Brandy's door and grabbed her bag helping her out, Ashton stood in his driveway staring at Brandy. "Let me know if you need anything" he smiled lightly giving a wave. "Thanks" I nodded as we made our way inside.

Brandy's POV

Taylor directed me to lay on the couch and he brought me his super fuzzy blanket that I always try to steal. He filled up my water bottle and gave me an ice pack for my cheek. It hurt pretty bad, I haven't even looked at it but I'm sure I look fucking terrifying. "I will be back" Taylor smiled kissing my head. "Thanks Tay" I smiled back getting cozy on the couch.

I was finally starting to calm down and all of my thoughts started racing. If Ashton and Brianna broke up she's going to hate me even more. I pulled out my phone and went to messages. I typed in Ashton's name, do I text him or just leave him alone, hell I don't know why he would still want to associate with me after everything's that happened in such a short period of time.

I deleted his name and decided to text the girls.


Brandy- Brianna's gonna hate me more now

Ky- what happened

Brandy- long story short someone told her Ashton was hugging me in English which he just had his arm around my shoulder as I was going through the note cards for our presentation, and then after school I was waiting for Tay and Ashton called me over to his friends  and picked me up to put me on his tailgate, he was between my legs when Brianna walked up

Becca- Brandy!?? What happened after that

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She punched me in the face and then told Ashton what happened to me after my parents died at school

Ky- I'm gonna kill that bitch are you ok?

Becca- What the fuck!

Brandy- I'm fine now Ashton was there for me, broke up with her and he talked to Taylor, I think Ashton and I are friends now

Ky- I think Ashton likes you

Brandy- I don't know about that..... but he's making me like him

Becca- Yes girl!!!!!

Brandy- he gave me his phone number and I'm too scared to text him

Ky- do it do it

Becca- even if it's just hey it's brandy thanks for helping me earlier, something simple so then he has your number and can text you

Brandy- I'll think about it

End Convo-

My face did not look pretty, Ashton and I have matching shiners but mine is no where near as bad as his, Brianna didn't break skin. The front door opened and Taylor came in with our pizza and a smoothie. My face lit up as I sat up to help him. "Who would have thought just a smoothie and some pizza can make such a big difference in your mood" he laughed setting it down on the table. "Thank you so much" I gushed doing a little happy dance. "You're welcome" he laughed turning in the movie.

Taylor and I sat laughing at the entire movie and quoting most of it, it will never get old no matter how many times we watch it. We ate almost an entire large pizza together and I let Taylor have 1 sip of my smoothie. The movie ended and I got up and started cleaning up.

"Hey hey hey, you go get ready for bed and get all comfy and I'll clean this up" he said snatching the dishes away from me. "Are you sure I don't mind helping" I said and he nodded, "go get some rest ok" he smiled big at me and I gave him a hug. "Thank you for being the best person in my life I don't know what I'd do with out you" I said giving him a squeeze. "I love you kid I'll always be here, good night" he chuckled. "Love you too and I'm taking this for the night" I yelled dragging his fuzzy blanket up the stairs. "I'll let it slide this once" he hollered and I rolled my eyes.

I came out of my bathroom after getting ready for bed to a certain stench filling my room. A stench that I can't stand the smell off, weed. I knew right away it was Ashton and I was prepared to yell at him. I shoved open my window to see him sitting on his window sill with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other.

"Ashton" I said snapping him out of his daze. "Brandy" he slowly said turning to look at me. "Put that out now" I snapped as he took another drag inhaling it deep and then releasing it. "No" he said flatly, the smell of weed makes my stomach churn I have never liked it therefore I will never be smoking it. "It sinks Ash I don't like the smell and it's wafting into my room" I whined and his face softened. "I'm sorry I'll go down stairs and finish it" he said putting it out on the tree and climbing back inside.

"Or you could just throw it out?" I shrugged and he shook his head "this shit is good I can't let it go to waste, now get some rest babe I'll see you tomorrow" he winked before shutting his window and disappearing. I am not sure how the Wheelers don't smell that their bedroom is also upstairs. I just sat in my window looking up at the stars. "Hey Brand?" I looked down to see Ashton now with 2 bottles in his hand. "Ya" I whispered. "Never mind" he shook his head relighting and making his way to the back yard.


Do you think Taylor will begin to like Ashton?

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