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Brandy's POV

" Do you guys have to leave" I asked tears filling my eyes as I stood on the front porch watching the boys pack up their stuff. "We'll be back soon alright I won't leave you hanging as long as last time" Cam smiled pulling me into a hug, "can I come with you" I mumbled into his chest causing him to laugh. "You got school so the answer is no" he rubbed my back and I squeezed him tighter before making my way to Grayson, "my wittle sister" he poked out his lip and lifted me off the ground. "I love you Gray thank you for everything" I said into his neck as he held me.

The last good bye was Bellamy which was making me nervous because Taylor and I have not spoken since he freaked out on me 2 days ago and he's been watching me like a hawk. "Come here bestie" he smiled embracing me in a hug. "Bell you can't leave" I finally let the tears out. "Hey, hey I'll be back soon ok and remember I'm just a phone call away if you ever need me" he gripping my chin. I nodded and he let go of me when Taylor approached. Taylor said his goodbyes to the boys and each of them kissed me on the head before hopping in their trucks and pulling out of our driveway. I waved until I couldn't see their taillights anymore and Taylor wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry kid you just got to wait a few more months and they will be here all of the time" He rubbed my arm before walking inside.

He knows I hate when they leave. I hate anyone leaving for a matter of fact, it's hard for me and I take it to heart. The next 2 days will be full of sadness and crying. You think after years of going through this I would get it over it right? Wrong. I don't think I ever will. I dragged myself up stairs to my bed and pulled the blankets tightly around my body. It feels like a part of me leaves when they go back to school. My eyes were burning but I couldn't stop the tears from falling out.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard that dreaded knock on my window. What could he possibly want right now. I rolled my eyes and didn't move hoping he would go away. He knocked again this time more eager, I can't let him see me like this that would be so embarrassing. "Brandy open up" he said tapping it again, I threw my arms in the air and dragged myself out of bed with my blankets still wrapped around me.

As I made my way to the window the smile on his face dropped to a look a concern. I shoved it open and stood there quietly waiting to see what he wanted. The cut above his eyebrow was still slightly swollen and his lip was still busted open. "Brandy are you ok" he asked reaching for my arm. I let him in and he stepped next me waiting for my response. "I'm fine the boys just went back to school today and it's always hard for me" I sighed pulling my blankets tighter. "I'm sorry, I'm sure it's hard having them always gone" he gave a sympathetic smile rubbing my shoulder. "Why do people always have to leave Ashton" I cried and he instantly pulled me into a hug. "Shhh it's alright I've got you" he whispered in my ear and I couldn't calm myself down. "No— thing— is— ok" I attempted to get out on one sentence.

I could feel a panic attack starting and I was making it worse by thinking about what Ashton was going to think of me. I was having a hard time catching my breath and my heart was racing a million miles a minute. I ripped out of Ashton's grasp and pulled my blankets off as my whole body was on fire. "Brandy" Ashton said and I couldn't even focus on him I wanted to throw up. "Brandy" he said sternly gripping my shoulders. I couldn't bring myself to look at him but I could tell he was staring at me. He picked me bridal style and sat on my bed holding me tight. My body almost instantly began to relax as I held him tight. He rubbed my back and down my legs all while making me feel so secure.

"You're ok" he whispered on my ear I nodded keeping my head buried in his chest. No one besides Taylor and Cameron has gotten me to calm down this fast. How did Ashton do that. He laid me down and grabbed my blankets tucking me in before sitting text to me and rubbing my back. There is no way this boy can be a bad person.

I woke up and I was alone, how long had I'd been sleeping? I looked out the window and it was dark out. Holy shit what time is it! I fumbled for my phone -8:37pm- it read. I sat up and looked around my room, my window had been shut and my notebook was lying on my bench seat below my window. I dragged myself out of bed and picked it up, I was about to toss it in my bag when I realized there was a sticky note stuck to it. It read "I finished the project and I'll have you check over it on Monday, -Ash" below that was his phone number. My face immediately heated up, there's no way he gave me his phone number.

I reread it again making sure this indeed was for me. Brandy a phone number is not a big deal you guys are partners for a project he's just being nice. I told myself as I typed his phone number into my phone. I couldn't help but smile at how he signed it Ash. That boy is so cute. Stop it I can't be thinking like that. Ashton makes it so hard to want to stay away from him.

"Night Brandy" Taylor said walking into my room. "Can we talk?" I asked sitting up. He came and sat next to me on the bed. I was scared to tell him this but I couldn't keep things from Taylor like this and I don't like lying to him. " I did something bad and I know you're already on to it so I can't lie to you anymore" I blurted out squeezing my pillow to my chest. He just nodded and kept staring at me. "I kissed Bellamy" I rattled off as fast as I could. "Brandy are you fucking wacked" Taylor yelled and I bit my cheeks.

"I'm really sorry Taylor we went on a walk because I just wanted to catch up with him and we got to talking and he kissed me and I kissed him back. When you found me in his room I went in there to talk to him about it there's nothing going on between us drunken mistake it's been dealt with" I shook my head looking down. " you know better" he said going to walk out. "Taylor please" I begged and he stopped not looking turning around "you know my friends are off limits always and Bellamy is 3 years older than you Brandy I'm sorry but you're way to young to be kissing 20 year olds" he snapped.

"Tay I'm sorry but I'm all reality it wasn't even my fault he kissed me first I just didn't have the common sense to pull away, please I'm sorry I don't like fighting with you and I was honest with you" fighting with Taylor makes me miserable and I hate when it happens. He get mad he just stays mad until he eventually gets over it which is extremely stressful for me I always need to talk it out with him. " I understand and I'm sorry for not asking your side of the story you're just my little sister and I need to protect you" he said turning back around. I nodded "I appreciate that but you don't have to protect me from our family we both know none of those boys would let anything bad happen to me or you, but mistakes happen and we have to own up to them" I smiled and Taylor smiled too. "I love you kid get some rest ok" he said pulling my blanket back over me. "I love you too Tay thanks for talking" he blew me a kiss and turned out the lights. There's one thing out of the way now how do I tell him about Ashton?


With Brandy and Ashton's budding friendship do you think she'll tell Taylor or will he find out for himself?

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