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Brandy's POV

I walked in the house to see Taylor on the couch a smile growing on his face. "Look what the cat dragged in" he joked looking at the non existent watch on his wrist. "Hi Tay" I smiled. "Soooo what happened" Taylor asked. "Matt got arrested" Jack blurted and Ashton smacked him in the chest.

"What the hell did you guys do" Taylor laughed. "Long story" Dylan sighed. "Alright let me grab another beer and call the boys down they gotta hear this" He chuckled getting up. "Gray, Cam our sweet Brandy has returned" He shouted up the stairs. They both came down and sat on the couch staring at me.

"Speak" Taylor plopped on the arm chair. "Ok so I got a call from an unknown number that ended up being Jack he was at police station because Matt had been arrested and they couldn't find Ashton, I guess some guy freaked out at the bar and started beating up Dylan and then Ashton and Matt got involved and the cops came, so I bailed Matt out and I owe you $200 and then we had to find Ashton but he lost his phone and then he called his phone from the gas station and we went and got him and came back here" I said all in one breath huffing.

"Jeeze that was a mouthful" Taylor laughed and Cameron and Grayson burst out laughing. I stared at them waiting for them to say something "Am I in trouble?" I whined. "No you're not in trouble but I want my $200" Tay pointed at me and I nodded.

"Get these boys cleaned up, Tay you good with them crashing in the basement it's already 3 in the morning" Cam asked. "Or they can stay next door where Ashton lives?" Grayson pointed out. "No" Ashton burst out. "Uh sorry Grayson, I can't tell Mary and Joe what happened and they are going to have lots of questions, if it's ok with you Taylor could we crash for a few hours?" He asked hope in his eyes.

"Basement and don't even think about going upstairs or I will lock you down there" Taylor warned. "Yes sir thank you so much" Ashton smiled.

"Ok line up" I joked climbing on the bathroom sink as the boys filed in. "Dylan first" Ashton said pushing him toward me. His eye was almost swollen shut and he had a slight scrape on his cheek. "Ashton run and get some bags of  ice from the kitchen please" I said getting out the alcohol wipes to clean Dylans face. "Of course baby" he beamed before walking out.

"That hurts" Dylan yelled as I gripped his chin harder trying to clean his cuts. "I don't think you want those bar germs in your face" I snapped pulling his face closer. "I don't like you very much" he mumbled. "Ya ya whatever like I care" I laughed. He rolled his eye since I could barely see the other one. "You're all good now sit down and ice that eye" I smiled but Ashton stopped him. "Take off your shirt" he said sternly. I completely forgot about his ribs.

Dylan pulled off his shirt and his whole right side was swollen. "Holy fuck" i whispered. "I'll be right back" I ran to Taylor's room, "Taylor I need to you to come look at this it's bad" I said frantically. He sprung out of bed and followed me to the bathroom. As soon as he looked at Matt his jaw dropped.

"You got broken ribs man" He sighed bending down to get a closer look. "I would get those looked at just to be sure nothing else is wrong what hit you?" Taylor asked. "The dude cracked me over the pool table, I beat him in a game of pool, fucking sore loser if I've ever seen one" he grumbled.

"Ice your ribs and your eye and go lay down you need some rest" Taylor said patting his shoulder and making his way back to his room. "Come on I'll show you downstairs" I said guiding everyone out. It's been forever since I've been down here sometimes I forget that it's here. "Ok there's a bed over there and we can pull out the couch so you guys are gonna have to double up" I said pulling the cushions off the couch. Ashton helped me pull out and I grabbed a bunch of blankets and a pillow for Dylan, Jack stayed downstairs with him and Matt, Ashton and I went back up to assess their injuries.

"I'm fine I just gotta wash my knuckles" Matt shrugged running the water, the entire sink filled with blood. I never saw the point in physical fighting always seems like no one ever wins. " you don't have any hidden injuries do you" I asked Matt and he shook his head. "I got away without any busted knuckles can you believe I just tried to break up the fight" Ashton smirked looking all proud of himself. "I'm very proud now your turn take off your shirt" I smirked at Ashton and he winked at me pulling his shirt off.

I watched as the fabric slid up his stomach revealing his toned abdomen. He turned around and sure as shit he was hit by a chair. There were marks resembling legs on his back that were slightly swollen. "He didn't break skin so that's good but I think we should ice your back too" I said gently running my fingers over his back.
He flinched and goosebumps rose on his skin. Matt gently tapped me and smiled.

" you get all cozy now and lay here with this ice for a bit ok" I smiled tucking him in like a little kid. "Thank you" He smiled laying his head down on the pillow. Matt was curled into a ball next to Ashton already fast asleep. "You're welcome" I kissed his forehead and he pulled me down to his level. "Thank you Brandy for everything, and I'm sorry I scared you we go to that bar all the time and I've never seen that guy there" he whispered to me.

"I'm just glad you're all safe now ok, I will always be there I'm a phone call away. Hell I'll steal one of the boys trucks if you needed someone" I quietly giggled. "You're the best you know that" he said gently rubbed the back of my head. "I try my best" I leaned my forehead against his and softly kissed him. "Get some rest I'll see you in the morning" I said standing up. "Good night beautiful" He blew me a kiss as I went up stairs quietly shutting the door.

I so badly wanted to sneak back down there and lay with Ashton, but I have a slight feeling the boys will definitely be double checking to make sure that doesn't happen. I cleaned up the bathroom and shut off all the lights before dragging myself up the stairs. I turned the corner and ran straight into Bellamy. I feel like I haven't seen him in forever even though we've been under the same roof. "Sorry Bell" I sighed making my away around him. He shoved passed me and walked to his room.

"You're not gonna say anything?" I asked following him. "Go to bed Brandy" he snapped. "Are you seriously mad at me?" I asked. He ignored me shutting his door right in my face. "Fuck you too" I mumbled.

You know the boys have always pinpointed me as being the dramatic one because I'm a girl but their emotions are 100x crazier than mine at any given time. His door ripped back open and he got real close to my face. "Fuck you Brandy do you hear me, fuck you" he growled digging his finger into my shoulder. "What did I do" I mumbled not knowing what the hell I did. "You're little miss perfect Brandy who can never do anything wrong, you have those boys wrapped around your finger and they let you do whatever the fuck  you want you're a spoiled brat" he rose his voice. "Where is this coming from if you had and issue you could have come to me I don't understand" I breathed deeply.

Bellamy has never treated me this way before and I mean yeah most of the time Taylor let's me do what I want but I gained his trust in order to do those things.

"It's not even worth it because time and time again all 3 of them will have your back and not mine, so just leave me alone I don't want to see you" He snapped. That one hurt.

"Bell" I whispered, he wouldn't even look at me and went back in his room. "What happened to our pinky promise we weren't going to fight anymore, I'm sorry for whatever I did" I said my voice cracking. "I'm done Brandy just get out" He said laying back down.

A tear escaped my eye and I stood frozen in the middle of his room. I couldn't move my whole body was stiff and my mind was just racing trying to figure out what I did. How could I have done something that bad for him to say that to me and not even know what he's mad over.

"I said get out" He yelled ripping his pillow off his bed and throwing it at me. I snapped out of my zone and hurried to my room crawling into my bed and pulling my blankets tightly around me. What the hell is going on.


Why is Bellamy so mad at Brandy??

I write these questions and most of the time I don't even know the answer yet haha!

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