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Brandy's POV

Ashton has not left my side since we've got here and the party is super fun. "Beer ball" Matt asked coming up and throwing his arm around my shoulder. "Oh hell ya, Ash?" I looked at him and he nodded. "Alright Ashton pick your partner" Matt said getting ready to set up the table. "No Brandy's my partner" Ashton said pulling me away from Matt. "Hey Brandy's my partner we were champions last time" Matt laughed. "She's my partner" Ashton deadpanned and Matt put his hands up, "alright Dylan wanna be my partner" he asked and Dylan agreed.

"I'd rather be your partner" I smiled up at him. "Oh we're gonna crush Matt and Dylan I can promise you that" he smirked grabbing the balls. "We'll let you guys start first" Ash rolled the balls down the table. Matt just rolled his eyes and threw his ball hitting the can I jumped to the ground grabbing it and slamming it on the table. "Down" I yelled. "Come on why are you so fast" Matt laughed. "You didn't know I'm super athletic" I said in a duh tone.

We played best 2 of 3 and Ashton and I ended up winning. He's a chugger like Matt they just open their throats and it's gone. I almost threw up and beer came out of my nose when I burped. "We should go in the pool!!" Jack yelled running around the barn. "Isn't it a little cold?" Ky asked. "Pools heated all year round come on" he tugged Kyler's sleeve and she gave in following him. "Come on baby" Ashton said. "It's gonna be cold" I whined. "I'll keep you warm come on" he placed his hand on my lower back guiding me out of the barn. Everyone followed and we made our way to the pool, his pool was closed in so it was a lot warmer than I was expecting.

I waited until the other girls took off their clothes before I began to undress. I slipped off my jeans and sweatshirt wrapping my arms around my stomach. "You look perfect you don't have to hide" Ash whispered in my ear. After stripping down at Brad's cabin I feel a little awkward and yet again I'm in a thong.

We all jumped in the pool and the water was actually so warm. I came up to see Ashton shaking the water from his hair. This is my first time seeing him in his underwear and I couldn't help but stare at him. "What's up" he said swimming over to me. "Have I ever told you you're hot" I giggled. His smile grew, "you know I couldn't really hear you what did you say" he cupped his hand around his ear. "You're hot" I smirked. He lifted me out of the water before pulling me in tight to his body. I wrapped my legs around his hips and he walked over to Jack who was just gawking at Ky.

"Chicken fights" he whispered and Jack flipped around excitedly nodding. "Kyler get your ass over here" He yelled "why what's up" she asked swimming to him. "Chicken fights" he said lifting her and setting her on his shoulders. "I think we're gonna need one more beer for this" I laughed. Dylan quickly jumped out of the water running to the fridge and grabbing a handful of beer tossing them too us.

Once I was done with my can Ashton lifted me up on his shoulders. "Come on Brand you got this" he cheered me on walking up to face Jack and Kyler. "I don't know who to cheer for" Becca yelled form the corner of the pool laughing. "I don't lose" Ashton flashed her a smile and she rolled her eyes. "Count it down Bec" I called out and she counted down from 3.

I grabbed Kyler's arms trying to push her. I'm not the strongest person so she immediately over powered me. Ashton held on to my legs tight and I ripped from Kyler's grasp and shoved her chest. She went flying back into the water. "Hell ya" I yelled. Ashton brought me down, "I knew you had it in you babe nice job" he hugged me. I was laughing at Ky trying to fix her hair when I heard clapping. I turned around to see Brianna and her friends standing at the edge of the pool. "Well, well, well, I see you're enjoying my sloppy seconds there Brandy" she snickered. "Fucking behave or leave Brianna I didn't invite you I invited your friends you're on thin ice" Jack snapped. My cheeks burned as I moved away from Ashton.

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