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Brandy's POV

It has been 2 days and I've just kept to myself. This drama is not who I am, who my family is we don't fight and I just want everything to settle before I try to talk about it. Ashton stayed with me until the girls kicked him out and I told them everything. They didn't believe me at first and to be completely honest I wouldn't believe me either.

"Hey Brandy?" Taylor asked coming into my room and sitting on my bed. I was wrapped up tight in my blankets with my laptop out aimlessly watching random YouTube videos. "What's up big brother" I asked closing my screen. "We're gonna go in the hot tub wanna join?" He asked I could see the desperation in his eyes. "Mmmmmm" I sighed and his shoulders dropped. "You can't stay in here forever you've barely eaten, we'll go to apple bees for dinner" he crossed his fingers grinning at me. Apple bees is my favorite.

"Ok but you have to hold that promise on Apple Bees I want some sweet chili boneless wings" I laughed messing up his hair. "Of course!" He yelled. Tay went down stairs and I got ready and made my way to the back yard. Goose bumps rose on my skin as I quickly hopped into the steaming water. "Look who decided she still likes us" Grayson laughed and I glared at him. "I will always like you guys but my bed is just to inviting" I said sinking lower. I looked at Bellamy who had a black eye, his nose was still slightly swollen. I had to quickly look away I didn't want to see him like that.

I completely forgot to put this in the beginning but I did take the name Bellamy from the show the 100 I've always liked it and thought it was a good fit, Creds to them!

"When do you go back to school Brandy?" Cam asked, ugh I don't even want to think about school right now. "4 more days" I signed. "Only a few more months until summer break you know" he laughed wiggling his eye brows. "It can't come soon enough" I said dramatically.

"Exactly it's when we move in!" Bell chirped in exciting. The second the words left his mouth his face dropped realizing him and I still hadn't talked. "I can't wait for all of us to be under one roof all of the time, I'll always have a truck to drive" I said nonchalantly trying to ease the tensity from Bellamy. "Nice try" Gray laughed and Taylor just eyed me.

I was laying on the couch when panic hit me. I have work! This time of year is super slow and with me being part time they will go a couple weeks without scheduling me. I looked at the time and it was only 2 I didn't have work until 4. "Can someone drive me to work!" I shouted. "I can" Bellamy shouted back. He made his way downstairs and sat at the other end of the couch. The air was so thick with awkwardness I didn't know where to start. You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet and I couldn't take it anymore. I flipped around and laid my head in his lap hugging his legs.

He rubbed my head "Brandy I'm so sorry I don't even know where to start" He said softly. I still couldn't look at him, "can we just forget this happened and go back to being us I don't want to talk about it" I said messing with the fabric of his jeans. "Ok, ok if that's what you want" he said. "I've thought it through and I know you like the back of my hand Bell and I understand your side and if you're still mad at me I'm sorry but I'm confident in my decisions" I said. "I'm not mad" he whispered. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Brandy and Bellamy don't fight" I said putting my forehead against his. "No we don't" he pouted. I squeezed him tight and he hugged me back. "Ashton's got a hell of a punch" he laughed. "He's got a lot of practice" I chuckled letting go and sitting back next to him. "But I'm sorry he hit you, you didn't deserve that he just misunderstood what was happening" I sighed, "I would've hit me too" he said sadly.

Work was slow and boring as usual, Apple Bees was on my mind since we weren't able to go. I was filling the feed shelves when someone grabbed the bag from my hands. I looked up to see Ashton who had a nice bruise on his once healed cheek. "Hey cutie I didn't know you worked here" he smiled as his friends walked up. He put the bag on the shelf and pulled me into a hug. I could smell the whiskey and cigarette stench radiating off of him. "I rarely do mostly over the summer, how are you" I asked letting go and looking up at him, he was so tall I felt so petite around him. "The boys dragged me in here they need map gas" he slightly slurred and I just rolled my eyes. "Which one of you drove here?" I eyed Dylan, Matt, Jack, and Ryan. Matt raised his hand, " no drinks right?" I asked, "no drinks ma'am" he nodded.

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