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Brandy's POV

Ashton did not show up to math so I was impatiently waiting to see if he would show for English. I'm slightly scared to see him after the phone number thing, do I say something about it? Do I just ignore it? Do I even text him? I have no clue what to think or do with this new information. On top of that my break down in front of him?! I'm a train wreck.  "Anxious?" He questioned putting his hand on my thigh, my whole body tensed I didn't realize I was rapidly bouncing my leg. "Just nervous about presenting" I shrugged, the work he did on the project was actually good I was very surprised when I looked at this morning.

"We got this" he smiled revealing his perfectly straight white teeth. "You may got this, me it's still questionable" I laughed double checking my note cards. "Brandy I'll be up there with you if you need me to step in just look at me and I got you" he said, I immediately felt less nervous why is he so freaking nice to me all of the sudden? He doesn't have to do that he could just leave me in the dust.

"Thank you" I smiled looking down and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "that's what friends are for right" he said giving me a slight squeeze. I couldn't help but look at his outfit today, he had on cowboy boots, jeans, and a flannel with the sleeves rolled up his dirty blonde hair was messy but in a perfect way and I just wanted to stare at him all day. "Ya you could say that" I said quietly and he looked taken back.

"What do you mean by that" he questioned sitting in his desk and I smirked at him. "Ashton we won't get into this now but let's just say you and me are very different" I deadpanned and he looked offended. "Babe so what if we're different, no two people who are exactly alike are friends they would hate each other" he defended himself, his eyes always had a way of boring into mine which drives me insane and makes me incredibly nervous. "Not the time to talk about it" I whispered tapping my pen on the desk. He nodded in silence as the first group was called to present.

Our presentation went perfectly, I have never felt so calm standing in front of the class in my life and I honestly think it's because Ashton was there. Weirdly he has this sort of haze over me that makes me feel safer. Which can't be a thing. Ever.

I walked out of class behind Ashton and was immediately met by Brianna and 2 of her friends. "So what is this I hear you and my boyfriend are hugging?" She snickered looping her arm around me. "We were just going over the note cards for our presentation he was standing over my desk" I shot back, I've been working on better defending myself and not looking like a complete fool. "Look I know you guys have been talking and I've warned you before stay the fuck away from him" she snapped before strutting off. I took a deep breath in trying to calm my nerves as I shook out my hands and made me way out of the school to wait for Tay.

I was walking through the parking lot when I saw Ashton sitting on the tailgate of his truck laughing with his friends. I quickly tried to walk past him without him noticing and I failed. "Yo Brand come here" he yelled jumping down and all of his friends stared at me. My eyes shot back and forth do I just go to my normal spot and wait or do I talk to him. "Hey I gotta go wait for Taylor" I smiled and gave a small wave. He made his way over to me and wrapped him arm around my shoulder guiding me back. "Boys as you know this is Brandy my awesome neighbor" he introduced me. I know these guys Jack, Dylan, Ryan and Matt the popular jocks. This is going to end so well.

"Hey Brandy" they each said and I nodded to all of them. Ashton jumped back up on the tailgate and I just awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do. I'm too damn short to even jump up on his tailgate with his lift. I could see a smile rising on Ashton's face, "c'mere babe" he laughed jumping down and picking me up. He set me on the tailgate and stood in between my legs " you did a great job today presenting" he said sweetly resting a palm on my knee and I immediately just wanted to hug him and melt. He's making me fall for him and I don't know what I should do about it.

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