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Brandy's POV

"Hey guys Taylor's here" I said reading his text off my phone as Ashton again had his arm around me. I've thrown almost an entire pack of cigs in the fire because he keeps attempting to light them and I've taken every one from him. I felt almost angered like I was being used and I'm very confused, what is this kids deal. "Night boys thanks for the party Matt" Becca said standing up and grabbing the case of beer. Kyler gave Jack a kiss on the cheek and it was my turn to pull myself away from Ashton.

I just feel so awkward I've been anxious since coming back from the bathroom, the girls were pissed but what are you gonna do we're not dating I can't be mad at him even though I kinda  am. "See you later Ash you're staying here right?" I asked him "I will unless I can come home with you" he smirked standing up and pulling me into a hug. "Nice try, where are your keys" I asked my voice being muffled by his chest. "Already locked in my dads gun safe" Matt laughed and I gave him a thumbs up. "You get home safe alright" he smiled moving his hand to my cheeks. "I will Taylor won't let anything happen to us" I laughed. He was still looking at me, again with his staring, it felt like he was looking right into me.

"Good night cutie" he smiled placing a kiss on top of my head. Immediately my entire body was burning and I wanted to run away. What do I do now I can't kiss him back. "Good night Ash" I said giving him a quick hug and walking out with the girls.

I huffed getting in the truck causing a weird look from Tay. "You alright" he asked as we pulled away. "All good just tired" I said looking at the clock it was now 1:27am and I was ready for bed. The ride was quiet until Kyler broke the silence. "Hey Tay I gotta question" she chirped "shoot" he said tapping the steering wheel to the music.

"When you were in high school did you ever like a girl but get drunk and kiss another girl" she asked and I slapped my forehead with my palm shaking my head. Becca slightly giggled and I wanted to kick both of them. "Remember Katie? I was obsessed with that girl she was perfect to me and I was too much of a pussy to actually pursue her so yeah at parties I'd do dumb shit with other girls but it was always her" he said eying her in the rear view. Katie and Taylor dated for 2 1/2 years it was a mutual break up they both decided they were too different and didn't want to ruin the friendship they had.

"Interesting, thanks" she said and went back to being silent. 2 minutes later Taylor spoke again, "why do you ask that what's going on?" He asked, curiosity kills him he's always gotta follow up. "I think Ashton likes Brandy but he's too dumb to know it" she blurted. "Kyler!" I screamed turning around and slapping her leg. Great all I need is Taylor down my neck about a relationship with this boy he still doesn't trust.

"Brandy?" He asked. "I don't know Tay ok I don't know what's going on" I sighed scooting down in my seat.  "Brandy likes him" Kyler yelled, jeeze the last time she drinks around Taylor. He slammed on the breaks in the middle of the road. "You like him?? Brandy how could you like him knowing what he did" he yelled, great here we go. "Taylor we don't even know the full story alright he's nice to me and he seems to actually care, he defended me again tonight with Brianna, I don't know what I'm feeling but part me I guess does like him" I said saying the last part quietly. "And he's hot" Kyler laughed, "one more word and you're walking home" I snapped and she stuck her tongue out at me. Becca had a terrified look on her face.

Taylor began driving again and I could tell every wheel was turning in his brain. His next words will either be an explosion or an understanding no in between. "I want him to come over" he finally said. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What do you mean come over?" I asked kinda weirded out what is gonna lock him the basement so he can't see me? "The boys come in tomorrow I want Ashton to come over for dinner so I can get to know him" he said. This will not end well with all 4 boys in the house with me and Ashton. "I guess I can invite him" I shrugged. "You need to do some thinking on your emotions" he snapped. There it is I knew this wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

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