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Brandy's POV

What time are you guys coming over??

I'm about to leave

Picking up Brad and then I'll be there

~end convo~

Tonight is Taylor's party it's nothing big just a group of his friends from high school and a couple from work. I was waiting impatiently for the girls to get here and for Bellamy to arrive it's almost 7 and he hasn't gotten here yet. "Taylor what's his ETA" I asked plopping on the couch and resting my feet on Gray. "Should be any minute now get off your ass and help me carry this outside" he laughed motioning to the big cooler full of drinks. I rolled my eyes and lifted up the handle "Jesus what is in this" I gasped for air. "You know these guys they don't mess around" he flashed me a smile as we set it down on the back patio. He opened it cracking 2 bud lights and handing me "not too crazy tonight promise" he raised his eyebrow as I took a sip. "You got it boss" I nodded "your friends too I don't need their moms calling me" he laughed. "I trust them I think we'll be fine" he gave me a thumbs up and finished setting up his pong table.

I walked to the front of the house and sat on the front porch fiddling with the tab on my can. I'm most excited to see Bellamy with him being closer to my age we've always been tighter friends than the other boys. People began showing up and it looked like a country fest in my front yard with all of the trucks. Cameron came out and took a seat next me. "I'm getting nervous" I breathed out. "You know Bell he's probably trying to convince the cashier at the gas station to take his fake. He's got 5 more months until he turns 21 I don't know why he doesn't just ask us to get him stuff" he laughed. I gave a small smile, he's not wrong. I watched as Brianna's car pulled in next door and Ashton made his way out with his brown bag in hand. "Hey Ash" I gave a wave, the smile on his fell when he looked over at me "hey Brandy" he said blankly before climbing in to the car.

"You know Taylor's gonna be pissed if you keep talking to him" Cameron eyed me, "I'm not best friends with him I'm just being friendly I don't want another enemy and he's dating Brianna I can't have him on my bad side too" I stated, I know Ashton is no good but I'm not gonna be a bitch he is my neighbor and the Wheelers nephew, they have done everything for us and then some. I jumped up when I heard the sound of Bellamy's rusted out Durmax roar down the street. He parked in front of the house, "how come every bitch from high school is a cashier at all the gas stations in this dump of a town. I had to go over to arcade for them to take my id" he bitched as he grabbed his 30 rack from the bed of the truck. I ran down to meet him and his frown turned into the biggest smile. "Bestie" he grasped me in the best hug and I held him tight. "You were making me nervous" I slapped his cheek. "I couldn't show up empty handed, now come on" he motioned for me to get on his back and he carried me to the back yard. Taylor already had a game of pong going and others were lounging in the pool. There were actually girls here which was unusual for this bunch.

"Oh Brandy!" Kyler yelled walking into the back yard with Becca and Brad. "I've been waiting!!" I jumped up pulling them into a group hug. "Someone's already had a few" Becca laughed setting her stuff down. "You guys took to long to get here I got bored" I shrugged before taking off my t- shirt. "Hot tub?" I asked and they all nodded, I climbed in and the hot water immediately relaxed all of my muscles. "So how's Ashton" Kyler asked cracking her beer. "Weird ya know he acts like we're super close which we're not and then gets all pissy, earlier he told me to have fun with Grayson and my boyfriend, I think he was talking about Cameron, me and Cam?!" I shouted laughing. "Ooooo he's jealous" Becca said nudging my arm. "Who wouldn't want to date Cameron though that boy is a smoke show" Kyler fanned her face. "Who's a smoke show" Cameron asked popping his in between ours. "I'm sorry what did you say" I asked pretending like I didn't hear him. "Who's the smoke show" he smirked, "that would be the one and only Cammy poo" I said in a baby voice kissing his cheek.

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