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Brandy's POV

"Sooooo, since you have off of work tonight will you please come be social with us" Ky begged as we lounged around my pool. I glared at her, she should already know that answer. Kyler and Becca have other friends but after my parents died I had a break at school which lead to me missing some school and suffering through intense therapy. No one really wants to be friends with that weird kid after something like that happens.

"Come on Brandy there's a bon fire going on at Brad's cabin, Brianna and her crew is not invited you'll be ok it's time to put yourself back out there this is a safe group we wouldn't put you in a dangerous situation" Becca explained, I believed her but part of me still wanted to say no, this is my social circle besides Taylor and his friends. "Pleaseeeeeee, I'll drive you so can have a few drinks and if you want to leave we will and we can hang back here" Ky begged. I sighed fixing my bikini top "let me go talk to Tay and see if he'll let me go first and then I'll make my decision" I slapped her with my shirt and slipped it on running into the house.

"Hey Tay" I walk nervously into the living room as he laid sprawled out on the couch still in his dirty work clothes. "Hey kid what's up" he smiled sitting up and fixing his hat. "Kyler and Bec invited me to a bon fire at Brad's cabin tonight you remember him?" I asked and he nodded "would it be alright if I went with?" I rocked back and forth in my heals. I have never really asked Taylor about going to a party before I'm not sure how he's going to react to this one. "Who's driving?" He questioned. "Kyler" I stated, "will there be drinking, where are you staying, what time will you be back?" He rambled off questions. "There will most likely be drinking, I was wandering if we could come back here after, and that last one is up to you" I smiled sweetly at him. "Tell you what, I will say yes please be home by 1 and if this goes well we'll talk about a later curfew from there on" he said. "Oh thank you Taylor I really appreciate this" I gushed running over to the couch and pulling him in a hug. "You're welcome hon just be careful please and keep your phone on, I'll keep mine on too if you need anything" he rubbed my back. "Love you big brother" I kissed him on the cheek and ran back outside.

"I'll give it a try, but we have to be back here by 1" I yelled at the girls who were sun bathing. "Yay Brand!!! And Tay really said 1?" She asked. I nodded and she slapped Ky on the side "your mom makes us come home at midnight we're coming here from now" I rolled my eyes and we cleaned up to get ready for the bon fire. I pulled in my same jeans from school slipped on an oversized sweatshirt and pulled my square toes on my feet. "How do you always look so cute" Becca gushed over me and I looked in the mirror, I feel pretty average but I decided to put on some mascara just to give myself a little boost. "Thank you but you don't have to flatter me" I laughed fixing my hair. "Ready to go??" Ky jumped up and down her impatience radiating off her. We filed down stairs "bye Tay" we all said in unison, "1 am girls have fun" he shouted from the kitchen and we were off.

In all honesty I've never been drunk I always drink a few to get a buzz and take the edge off my social awkwardness but I've been to nervous to go farther I don't wanna be annoying or what if I'm a cryer, ugh gross. We walked up to the fire and a beer was handed to all of us "Brandy my dear you finally made it" Brad smiled pulling me in a side hug. I laughed awkwardly slinging my arm around his torso. "You're gonna have fun tonight I promise you that" He laughed before chugging the rest of his beer. There was about 15 people here and I barely recognized any of them which made me happy, maybe I'll be free from the weird looks and snotty remarks.

I was having so much fun dancing with the girls as the music played the best of Bailey Zimmerman, for the first time in years I have felt completely comfortable in an outside event and I was allowing myself to let go. I was rather drunk at this point but I was feeling good as everyone sang in unison "You're the best thing that ever happened me you showed me what true love shouldn't be I found myself the second I gave up on us" I drawled as I leaned back a little too far and bumped into someone. I quickly turned around to apologize when I realized it was Brianna. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" I breathed deeply and she gave me the nastiest of looks "you made a mistake coming here" she snickered as she walked away. I gulped as my anxiety set it, I sat down on the bench next to the fire collecting myself when I looked up to see Ashton with his arm around Brianna's shoulder. They were laughing together with the group and I wanted to hide my face. I ran up the stairs and into the cabin where Brad Bec and Ky we're getting more drinks. "You told me they weren't going to be here" I snapped looking at them. "Who are you talking about Brandy everyone I invited has already been here" Brad asked placing another beer in my hand. "Brianna and her friends are here with Ashton" I shouted pointing out the window to see their group lingering by the fire.

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