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Brandy's POV

I woke up and rolled over looking at my phone. There was a text from Ashton asking how I was doing that I slept through last night. It was already 10am so I got up and made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and was met by Ashton and Bellamy talking. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked down at my outfit, I had on a tank top and spandex not exactly the outfit I need Ashton seeing me in right now.

"Oh uh I'll be right back" I scratched the back of my neck running back upstairs and slipping on a big t shirt. I went back down stairs and sat on the couch waiting for them to be done. I so badly wanted to ease drop and listen to their conversation but figured it'd be smarter if I didn't. "Cam, Grayson can you come in here?" Bellamy yelled, ok now I really want to know what's going on. I know Ashton and Bellamy were going to talk but why do Cameron and Grayson need to be there.

I tapped my leg anxiously scrolling through my phone waiting for them to finish. They were doing a real good job at being quiet because I could not hear a thing and Grayson with his loud mouth won't give me any spoilers. Finally Ashton came out of the kitchen with the biggest smile on his face. "Good morning" he said sitting down next to me. "Good morning Ash" I smiled. He leaned close to my ear, "I like you better without this t shirt on" he smirked tucking my hair behind my ear. "Oh shut up" I whisper yelled smacking his chest.

He laughed and then became serious again. "How are you feeling today?" He asked, "I'm good I'm good I knocked out last night I'm sorry I didn't answer your text thanks for checking in" I said. "You're all good I'm just glad you're ok" He put his hand on my knee, I swear every touch drives me up a wall. "Sooooo" I droned out leaning my head on his shoulder. "Yessss" he mimicked me.

"I need to know what happened" I perked up turning toward him. "Happened with what?" He laughed looking at me like I was crazy. "With Bell and why did Gray and Cam need to be there you need to spill now" I gushed tapping his hand repeatedly. "Well for starters, Bellamy and I are on good terms he's going to give me a chance" I shook with joy but he wasn't done. "Secondly, I got up early and spoke to Taylor before he went to work, but I needed permission from the boys to take you on a date"

DID HE JUST SAY A DATE?! My insides went to mush and I didn't know what to say. Obviously yes but I haven't been asked on a date before I don't want to seem overly excited that's annoying. "Is, is that you" I started to stutter and he cut me off. "Brandy can I take you out on a date?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

He spoke to Taylor he asked the boys for permission, what kind of boy does that these days? He's perfect! "Yes, yes I would love to go on a date with you" I smiled, I could feel my cheeks burning up and Ashton giggled. "Are your cheeks ever gonna stop that" he asked cupping my face in his hands and I shook my head. "Never it's horrible" I laughed.

"Tonight I will pick you up at 6 is that good for you?" He questioned and I nodded. "Sounds like a plan" I said awkwardly, "I will see you later then" he smiled getting up and making his way to the door. I jumped up and followed him, "hey Ash?" He turned around and I embraced him in a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around me as I inhaled his scent, "thank you for talking to Bellamy" I said. "Of course Brand I don't want to be on bad terms with anyone, he's cool we just had to talk through our misunderstandings" he said gently rubbing my back. I didn't want to let go I just wanted him close to me forever. I pulled myself away and gave him a slight smile. "6 o'clock?" I said and he nodded. "I'll be here on the dot" he shut the door behind him.

I waited until he was back in his own yard before I screamed. "Brandy what the hell" Cameron came running in to the room. "I have a date Cam!" I yelled jumping up and down. He started jumping up and down with me clapping his hands. "Gray Bell get in here" Cam yelled still jumping, he looked like a little kid. "Brandy has a date" he yelled excitedly as they entered. "Brandy's got a date, Brandy's got a date" Gray danced around and I rolled my eyes.

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