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Brandy's POV

Taylor and I sat eating dinner in an awkward silence. "So what is it you need to talk about?" I asked and I could tell he was uncomfortable. " I know you and Ashton are just working on a project together but once it's done no more with him please, alright he's not a good kid and I don't want you getting involved with him" Taylor explained and I was immediately confused. "Why what's wrong with him" I asked swirling my spaghetti with my fork. "His parents sent him to live here because he got into some legal trouble back in Pennsylvania, they are hoping that by living with the Wheeler's he'll stay out of trouble" that wasn't enough I needed to know more, I can tell Taylor doesn't want to tell me what's actually going on. "What did he do Taylor" I asked and he shook his head. "Taylor just tell me ok it's not a big deal if he's living next door I think I should know if he's an ax murderer or something" I snapped. He hesitantly took a sip of his beer and set it back on the table. "Armed robbery Brandy" he deadpanned and I was shocked. I was not expecting that what the fuck. "I don't know the whole story but he was 16 and he was an accomplice so they charged him 2 years instead of the 5 and then his parents sent him here, but he did time in juvenile detention Brandy he's dangerous" Taylor warned and I just nodded. "Don't say anything to the girls about it ok it needs to be kept on the down low but just make sure they stay away as well". I nodded again looking down at my food, "May I be excused" I asked. "Clean up your plate" Taylor pointed and I got up wrapping my plate in plastic wrap and throwing it in the fridge. "Thank you, love you" I kissed him on the cheek and ran up to my room.

I sat on my window seat just staring out the window Taylor's words racing through my head. What kind of teenager is involved in an armed robbery? What kind of robbery and for what? He's got kind of an edgy vibe but I never pinned that be something he was capable of. How am I supposed to work on this project with him after finding this out. I can't believe I rode in his truck!

"Hey babe you really know how to stare" I snapped out of my daze to see Ashton standing shirtless in my room that I guess is now his. I didn't even see him nor do I know how long I was staring. "Sorry I was completely zoned out" I laughed as my cheeks began to burn. I looked at his chest and his muscles were perfectly chiseled out, damn he is fine. " whatcha thinking about" he asked turning around and grabbing a shirt. He had 2 scars across his back that looked like he had been whipped. How in the hell? "Just brain storming more ideas for the project is all" I quickly said. He stood just looking at me. "You stare too much" I laughed nervously getting up from my seat. "What are you gonna do about it" he questioned and I rolled my eyes before shutting my window and curtains. I so badly wish I could tell someone this is going to eat me alive.

"Brandy!!!!!" Taylor yelled jumping onto my bed. "What do you want loser" I laughed hitting him with my pillow. "Throwing a little party this weekend you can invite the girls" he sang making himself comfortable. "Party?" I questioned, "wait does that mean?" I asked perking up. "The boys are coming home for the weekend!" He yelled, my heart filled with joy and I wanted to scream I love when the boys are home they are my family and I feel complete when they are here. "Is it almost Friday yet" I pouted laying my head in Taylor's shoulder. "Cam and Gray are supposed to be in on Thursday and Bellamy on Friday so you're just gonna have to be patient" he laughed patting the top of my head.

Today is now Thursday and I need to get out of here Cam and Gray should be here soon so Taylor's getting out of work early to get me as soon as school lets out. "Why are you in such a hurry today" Ashton beamed as I tapped my foot and typed out the PowerPoint slides and fast as I could. "I have plans after school I want to get this done so I have no homework" I said trying to stay focused. "Brandy stop give me your notebook and I can finish it you've worked hard enough on this already" he tried stopping me. "Ashton it's fine really" I said, I don't really trust him to finish it and I don't want my grade to drop because of it. "Please babe" he got close to my ear and placed his hand on top of mine. "Ashton really" I pushed his hand off of mine as the bell rang. I slapped my notebook on his desk, "I'll send you the PowerPoint" I said before walking out of the classroom. I could feel his presence behind me as I walked through the parking lot looking for Taylor's truck when I saw Cam pull in and hop out. "Cam" I screamed running to him and jumping into his arms. "I missed you girl" he smiled squeezing me tight and kissing the top of my head. I jumped down and got into the truck rolling the window all the way down. Cam and I's ritual when he comes home is windows down blasting Montgomery Gentry. We began to pull out of the parking lot as we passed a pissed off looking Ashton.

"So where's Grayson I thought you guys would have rode together" I questioned letting the cool wind hit my hand out the window. Cameron just laughed, "I had to drop him off at the house to take a shit because he claimed he couldn't hold it any longer" I rolled my eyes and just hummed along to the music when a truck came flying up behind us revving his engine. "You know him?" Cameron asked, I looked in the review view and knew right away it was Ashton. "Do not bother racing him, that's Ashton" I sighed sliding lower in my seat. "Wait neighbor Ashton" Cam questioned and I nodded. "Oh I am for sure racing that punk" he laughed now revving his engine too. We pulled up to a stop sign and Ashton pulled up next to us. The boys both nodded at each other and we took off. Ashton started off strong but I know for a fact Cameron's truck is faster. We blew passed Ashton and I couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny there" Cam asked pushing me in my seat. "Nothing someone just had to put him in his place" I giggled as we turned the corner to our street. Ashton has pulled down another street and was gone. "Sour loser" Cameron shrugged as we hopped out of the truck.

I walked inside to no Grayson, "Grayson!" I called out and no reply. "Weird" Cameron said running upstairs as I wandered into the kitchen looking for him. "Brandy" Cameron called from upstairs and I sprinted up to the bathroom window facing the back of the house. There was Grayson floating in the pool completing knocked out. "Thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked looking at Cameron and he nodded. I ran into my room putting on my bathing suit as quick and possible before meeting up with Cameron down stairs. We both snuck out the back door as quietly as possible.

Cameron silently held up his fingers and counted down until we both jumped in the pool on either side of Grayson. I felt his body plunge into the water next me and I couldn't stop laughing when I came up for air. "I'm gonna fucking kill you" he yelled swimming after me, I jumped out of the pool and through the gate into the front yard with Grayson on my tail. He caught me and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder as Ashton pulled into his driveway. "Who's that?" Grayson asked, I guess Taylor didn't tell him, "that's Ashton he's staying with the Wheeler's we go to school together now" I said trying to pull myself from his grip. Grayson gave a wave as Ashton locked eyes with me.

"Looks like you're having fun" he questioned as Gray put me down. I wrapped my arms around my torso as he scanned my body. "Ya this is Grayson, Taylor's best friend he's home from college this weekend, Grayson, Ashton" I introduced them. "Nice to meet you man" Ashton shook his hand and then grabbed my arm pulling me off to the side.

"Why didn't you tell me Brianna hit you that hard" he growled. I looked down at the bruise she had left on my side. It was no where near as bad as it was but you could still see it. "It's whatever Ashton I'm over it" I said yanking my arm from his grasp. "You can't let her so that to you" he deadpanned, and I rolled my eyes, "ya ok I'll go up to her in school tomorrow and politely ask her to stop" I laughed sarcastically. He gave me a sympathetic smile, "I'll talk to her there's no reason for her to treat you that way" he said, and it took me back that he was willing to defend me to his girlfriend. "It's fine Ashton I can take care of my self" I said tucking my hair behind my ear. He looked at me hesitantly before nodding "if I ever see something like that again on you I'm stopping it" He looked dead serious and it kind of intimidated me. I just nodded as he bit the side of his cheek. "look I'll finish the project tonight so you can have fun with Grayson and your boyfriend" He said, but his voice changed to a deeper almost sad tone when he said boyfriend. "Thanks I really appreciate it just let me know if you need any help with anything" he gave me a half smile before he made his way inside.

"What was that all about?" Grayson questioned wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we made our way to the back yard. "Weirdly he was upset about the bruise on my side and said he would take care of it with Brianna" I smirked at him. "And that's weird because? Seems like he's trying to be a good friend" he asked. "We'll one he's dating Brianna, and two, well ask Taylor about that one alright" I pulled him into a hug. "Missed you buddy" I smiled patting his back. "I missed you too, we're gonna figure out a way to stop Brianna" he sighed. I nodded knowing there's nothing he can do, "on the bright side are you ready to get fucked up this weekend?" He yelled jumping up and down. "Oh 100%" I laughed.


Ugh I have so many ideas in my head but I don't know how to write them all out without rushing and making the story too dramatic but I'm trying my best to keep it interesting!!

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