5 - Unexpected Client

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"Was he really that bad?" When I walk out of the backroom and head to make the coffee that the customers ordered, Sunoo asks and I sigh heavily at the unwanted memories. I have decided to put them in the never-recall part of my mind. 

The encounter with Lee had left me feeling irritated and on edge, and all I want to do is forget about it, but Sunoo is so insistent and I know he won't drop it until I tell him something.

"Yes, Sunoo. So bad I could have killed him right then." First, he laughs at my response and then he stares at me with concern, waiting for more details. "Okay, he was arrogant and rude. He acted like he was entitled to everything, including my time. And when I refused his offer for coffee, he said my coffee tastes like crap and even threw money at me like I was some sort of servant."

"Damn, that's harsh." His lips form into a straight line as I sigh. "But Y/N, you make the best coffee and everyone loves it."

"I know. But if they ever order again, you go." I point to his chest and his eyes widen.

"No. I don't want no drama." He laughs and I roll my eyes at him. "On a serious note though, that's expected from someone like him. I mean he's probably used to getting whatever he wants, so the moment he doesn't, he's definitely lashing out on someone."

"Yeah, but not everyone has to put up with his attitude. He's a real asshole." I put the cups of coffee in a tray and hand them to Sunoo who gives me two thumbs-up before he holds the tray and walks away. 

And I stand there, still frustrated and annoyed because I can't shake him off my mind. His perfect face and perfect body continue to haunt me, even though I despise admitting it. I take a deep breath, trying to push these thoughts aside. That man should not have this effect on me.

The shop is not so busy today. I lean against the window, letting the cool breeze brush against my face when in the corner of my eye, I spot a strange car parked in front of the place. I've seen it somewhere but I can't remember. 

"Three cookies and one caramel cake to go." Sarah appears from nowhere and my attention goes on her before I stare back outside, and the car is already gone. A shiver runs down my spine but I just brush the whole thing off and tell myself it's nothing. I've been paranoid and frustrated since I came back from Judy Hills and I hate how I'm still thinking about him.

The way his eyes were glued on me and the way his voice resonated inside my body. He's dangerous, yet intriguing. I can't help but find myself wanting to see him again, although I claim that's the last thing that would happen. I doubt he actually has time to come here for a mere coffee. Although when he said it tasted like shit, I was about to punch him in the fucking jaw. I mean, I might not be hot but everyone agrees that I make good coffee.

Lee really ruined my day. I sigh for the- I actually lost count. I hope nothing goes his way and he has the worst day ever.

"Here you go." Sunoo comes back and he's holding a candy for me to take. "I have chocolates but you don't like them. Lame."

"Thank you." He makes me chuckle as I take the candy and pop it into my mouth. "Chocolate is overrated."

He shakes his head in disbelief. "You're missing out." I just give him the finger and he scoffs. "Oh shit, where is the sweet Y/N? When did you learn to be so sassy?"

"Sarah, do you need any help?" I call and his eyes go wide before he fumbles with the plastic cups on the counter. I feel bad teasing him but I honestly want Sarah and Sunoo's endgame. They're literally the perfect match for each other, he just needs to muster some courage and tell her already. I have a feeling she'd be happy to date him. 

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