37 - Nightmares Are Also Dreams

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"I'm so happy for you." Daniel and Clarissa are in our house and Mom can't be any happier. We've always been a family, but seeing them together now feels different. I can tell how much Daniel loves Mom and I can't let myself be the reason they're not comfortable in their own happiness. It's time Mom gets her happy ending. "You and your mother deserve all of it."

I smile and hug Clarissa who opens her arms wide for me. "Thank you, Clarissa. I'm happy we can celebrate this with both of you."

Daniel is still hesitant around me and I realize I never really apologized for what happened the day I stormed out of the house, leaving the two of them guilty for something they're not supposed to feel guilty about. Love is never guilty, it's pure and unconditional and it's a beautiful emotion that needs to be celebrated. It's time for me to acknowledge that and make things right.

So, taking a deep breath, I approach him. "I owe you an apology, do I not?" I smile when he holds my mother's hand and looks at me with a calm and understanding expression. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted that day. I was wrong to have stormed out and to have made you feel guilty. It was unfair of me to place my own pain above your happiness with Mom and blame you both for something that wasn't your fault. You've shown nothing but love to Mom, and I should have recognized that from the beginning."

Daniel's expression softens, and he places a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for saying that. I appreciate your apology, and I want you to know that I never wanted to come between you and your mom. My love for her only complements the love you share as a family." His words wash over me. They're gentle and warm and the smile on Mom's face makes everything worth it. It becomes clear to me that Daniel had been carrying no resentment, only a desire for unity and harmony within us.

"Why are we crying on such a happy day?" Clarissa makes us laugh and I hold Mom's hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Today is her day. "Shouldn't we head to Bloom Haven, Ms. Baek?"

"Yes, please," Mom smiles. "But we should wait for her husband."

"Which reminds me," Clarissa says and I know well what awaits me. It's not like I didn't want to tell them about my marriage, it was just unexpected, and Heeseung and I had to have everything done as soon as possible. "You got married without telling us. Your mother told us but I thought I'd be one of the first people to know. I can't believe you."

I shake my head when she puts her hand on her chest and fakes being hurt. "I was really-" The bell rings and a smile tugs at my lips. Heeseung is here. Clarissa fakes a mock gasp, making me smile even more as I walk to the door, opening it for the love of my life. "You're late." I peek out the door and look at him while he stands there all handsome and perfect.

"I had to make sure I looked presentable for my stunning wife." Before I know it, he kisses my lips and warmth spreads through my entire being. I close the door when he walks inside and the sound of laughter and teasing voices fills the place. "Hello, everyone. It's nice to meet you."

Daniel shakes Heeseung's hand and Clarissa nudges my side. "He's a sight for sore eyes." I can't help but laugh at that.

"Heeseung, this is Daniel... Ms. Baek's lover. And this is Clarissa, his sister, and their third wheel."

He smiles, taking in the playful banter between us. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you," he says with a warm smile. "I've heard so much about you."

Clarissa playfully rolls her eyes. "Oh, I'm sure she's been singing our praises."

"Let's just say your impact on her life hasn't gone unnoticed." They all smile at that. It's true, I owe them all the happiness they brought me and my mother for all these years and I hope it stays that way, with Heeseung being a part of it now.

We make it to Bloom Haven to celebrate, and everyone is so happy it makes me feel as if I'm at the top of the world. And I'm not afraid of falling, because Heeseung is right by my side as we step into the place, the warm and inviting atmosphere embracing us. The air is filled with the fragrant scent of fresh blooms, and the vibrant colors of various floral arrangements are gorgeous. The store is adorned with an array of exquisite flowers, arranged in stunning bouquets and delicate vases. As we weave through the enchanting displays, the staff members greet us with warm smiles and congratulations, recognizing the significance of this day. It's evident that Mom's love for flowers has found a perfect sanctuary. I look at her, smiling in her pink suit while holding Daniel's hand.

"See that smile on Mom's face?" I say to Heeseung and he turns to me with slightly raised eyebrows. "That smile is the reflection of a heart filled with happiness and love. And you're the one behind it."

His expression softens. "She's an incredible woman. My mother didn't have a lot of friends, but she would have loved her."

His words hit me more than they should. I reach out and gently squeeze Heeseung's hand. "Your mother would have been welcomed with open arms by Mom and everyone here. She would have been part of our family, just like you are now." I watch as he leans in and kisses the back of my hand and I melt. Gosh, I'm still falling so hard for this man.

Everyone is happy today, I didn't think we could be any happier, but when Daniel gets on one knee and pulls out a velvet little box from his pocket, my hands fly to my mouth before I let out a scream. The entire atmosphere seems to hold its breath when he opens the box, revealing a dazzling ring, and Mom's eyes well up with tears of happiness. "You've always been someone I love and care for from the deepest of my heart, and today, in this beautiful place surrounded by everyone and everything you love, I want to ask you something." I'm about to burst out of happiness and Clarissa smiles knowingly, making me realize that she knew all along. "Will you do me the extraordinary honor of becoming my wife?"

I don't even wait for Mom's response because the way she looks and smiles at him is the biggest yes I've seen in my life. Heeseung, who's smiling happily next to me, holds my waist and pulls me closer, his right hand reaching to wipe the tears I didn't even know I shed.

"Yes, Daniel!" The room erupts in applause and cheers, their elation mirroring the love that's pulsating through my veins. Heeseung pulls me into his arms, enveloping me in a warm embrace that feels like home. I rest my head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, finding comfort in the knowledge that this is where I truly belong.

As the sun sets behind the horizon, casting a golden glow over the enchanting scenery, today's ceremony comes to an end. We decide then to go to a restaurant and here we are, standing on its huge balcony while staring at the beautiful view of the city lights. "It's beautiful." Heeseung is holding me from behind while I rest my body against his. "Hm?" When I look up, he's closing his eyes and enjoying the gentle breeze that caresses our faces.

"I need a moment to process that my happiness is real." He whispers, his voice barely audible over the soft rustling of the wind. "Sometimes it feels like a dream, doesn't it? Like we stumbled upon a world where everything aligns perfectly."

It does. Sometimes I feel as if this is all too good to be true, that I'm living in a beautiful fantasy that could vanish at any moment. But, when I hold his hand and rest it again my chest, it does feel real. His touch against my skin and my heartbeat against the palm of his hand are real and happiness is now a reality. I turn to him with a smile, wanting to tell him all of this, but my gaze lands on someone who's not supposed to be here.

This is our story, and this chapter is supposed to be the happy ending of it, yet he's still here, making me freeze. No, this isn't supposed to happen. Before I can stop Heeseung, he turns around and looks at where I'm staring, only to feel him tense in my arms. 

"Heeseung-" I try to call him but his mind is somewhere else, back to the memories he has been trying so hard to forget and leave behind. His body stiffens, his muscles tense as he locks eyes with the figure standing in the distance.

"Why is he... here? How did he find us?" His voice cracks, his words barely escaping his lips.

The beautiful scenery around us fades into the background, because the presence of his father, the source of his deepest scars, feels like a cruel intrusion into our carefully crafted world.

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