18 - Unforgettable

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My heart is racing inside my chest while I step inside Judy Hills, dressed in the clothes Heeseung had picked for me. A typical white shirt and a pair of beige trousers but I'm sure they cost a fortune because this is Lee we're talking about.

Talking about him, he's been staring at me since he came to my house along with Jake. He's walking beside me, his posture and steps so determined, and his cologne filling my nostrils.

"Who is this?" Someone's voice makes him stop and I turn to him, only to see him glaring. "Why are you letting random people work here? Did she pass any interviews? Or are you- oh."

Heeseung's fist is so tight he could break it and I just stand there, feeling so small under that man's gaze. It doesn't seem like he's one of the few people Heeseung tolerates and it seems that he doesn't want me here. I mean, I'm thankful Heeseung got me this opportunity. I'm going to work hard and do my job properly and earn my place here.

"Cummings, it's early in the morning and I'm in a good mood, you don't want to ruin my morning." His voice is cold and serious that it sends shivers running down my spine, but when he steps in front of me, blocking the man's gaze, my eyes widen.

"Is she even going to work or is she here only for your personal enjoyment?" What? I can feel my jaw tighten but I don't want to do or say anything. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Mr. Lee."

I feel my face flush with anger and embarrassment. How dare he make such insinuations about our relationship-

"Her name is Baek Y/N." Heeseung's voice makes me gulp. "She applied for a position some time ago yet you failed to hand me her application, thus I'm letting her work as my assistant. So, Cummings, if you speak to her or look at her the wrong way again, I'll make sure you..."

His voice trails off but the threat is explicit and the tension in the air is so palpable, I can practically taste it. The way he speaks about me makes me feel valuable and it makes butterflies dance inside my stomach. It's nauseous and dizzying, but it's good.

"I'm looking forward to working with you, Ms. Baek." The man whose last name is Cummings says and gives me a cold glare before he walks away, leaving me frozen behind Heeseung. It's only the first day and I'm already making enemies. Way to go, Y/N.

I watch as Heeseung turns to me and sighs. "Derek Cummings, part of the board. He's a dick."

"Okay." I nod, fighting back a smile as Heeseung smiles for a second then starts walking again, making me run after him. "Let's take the stairs, I don't mind some extra exercise."

"You sure? I don't want you panting when we reach my office." He cocks his eyebrow. "You're also wearing heels. You're not so comfortable in them, are you?"

Uh oh. I don't even look him in the eye yet I can feel his gaze on me. I've only worn the heels for a couple of hours yet they're already killing me. They're very beautiful and that's why I even decided to wear them, yet they're so painful. Sounds toxic to me.

"I wanted to look nice on my first day here, you know," It hits me suddenly that LeeHeeseung is now my boss and I gulp. "Mr. Lee."

"You look nice in whatever you wear, Ms. Baek. In fact, you look nice even when you're not wearing anything."

I freeze at his words. Did he just...?

"I think we should keep a formal language at work, Mr. Lee. Please refrain from making such remarks." It's not like I didn't scream inside, but we're at work and it's inappropriate in any way.

"Very well." It doesn't seem like he liked what I said but he nods and turns around, walking away and leaving me standing there dumbfounded. I just brush it off and follow him, and seven flours later, I am panting and my feet are about to give out. Heeseung seems unfazed by the climb and casually opens the door while I look at him in disbelief.

This man is going to make me go insane, yet I'm not taking any step back.

When I walk inside the office, there's a desk across from Heeseung's and I'm assuming it's mine to occupy. My gaze darts from the floor-to-ceiling window that offers a breathtaking view of the city to the shelves lining the wall. They're filled with books and various awards and plaques. It's clear that Heeseung takes his work seriously and is successful at it.

"Settle down, we have work to do." His voice snaps me out of my trance and I put down my bag on the desk, taken off guard by the suddenness of his tone.

"Of course," I reply, quickly regaining my composure when deep down I'm starting to feel anxious. "I'm ready to get started whenever you are."

Heeseung nods, his eyes scanning the papers on his desk. "Good. I expect nothing but the best from you." Then he stands up and approaches me, handing me a stack of documents. "This is a summary of everything you need to know about Judy Hills. I need you to go through it and get to know the corporation very well before I give you any proper work to do."

"I'll get started right away." I take the documents and put on them to my right, starting with the one on top while Heeseung makes it back to his seat.

But when I begin to pore over the documents, I can feel his gaze lingering on me. I try to ignore it, focusing on the task at hand, but the tension between us is palpable. I steal a glance at him and I regret it right away. Our eyes meet for a split second, and I can see a flicker of something in his expression before he looks away.

I can't help but wonder what it is about him that draws me in. Is it the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, even if he rarely does? Or the way he looks at me with eyes filled with desire? Whatever it is, his energy is like he's a force to be reckoned with, a powerful presence that demands attention. There's something about him that's so magnetic, so alluring, that I can't resist.

I'm starting to notice the little things about him: the way he taps his pen on the desk when he's deep in thought, and the faint scent of his cologne that lingers in the air when he walks by.

It's almost as if we're dancing around each other, both aware of the attraction that's simmering just below the surface but unwilling to act on it. Something about him just feels so right, so perfect, that it's hard to resist.

"Y/N," His voice makes me freeze. I look up from the document and at him, trying not to seem nervous while he looks at me with eyes I can't read. "Do you want me to fuck you in broad light?"

My eyes widen and my heart starts racing at his words and the intensity of his gaze. It's as if he's read my thoughts, and the way he leans in his chair and looks at me is both tempting and intimidating. I can feel the desire pooling in my stomach, but I know that giving in to it is just wrong. Totally wrong.

"I... I don't think that's appropriate, Heeseung," I say, my voice wavering slightly. "We should focus-"

"I can't focus when you're looking at me with those eyes." I frown.

"What do you mean?"

"You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, Y/N," he says, his voice low and husky. "They're like the ocean on a sunny day, and every time I look at them, I feel like I'm being swept away. But this very moment, they're asking me to pin you to the wall and kiss you until the two of us are out of breath."

"Heeseung-" I try to call his name but he sighs, shaking his head.

"I'm trying so fucking hard to focus but I can't forget being inside you. I can't take away the picture of you riding me and moaning my name. I can't forget it and it just doesn't-"

"Then don't." I hear myself say and it doesn't matter anymore, because I can't forget him being inside me either. "Don't forget it, Heeseung."

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