23 - Him & I

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Where do I start with Roger "Moneybags" Johnson? I mean, his name might as well be "Numbers" because that's all he ever talks about. I swear, if I hear one more financial acronym or jargon, my head might explode. You know those Wall Street types you see in movies? The ones with slicked-back hair, expensive suits, and a constant look of superiority on their faces? That's Roger, except he's taken it up a notch with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses that look like they could pay my salary for a year. And he dresses like he's going to a black-tie event every day.

"Good morning, everyone. Thank you for being here today." I'm sitting next to Heeseung whose eyes are glued to his phone. "We have a lot to cover, so let's get started. First, I'd like to update you on our financial performance. Our Q1 earnings were strong, with revenues up 10% compared to last year. This is largely due to the success of our new restaurant concept and our expansion into new markets." I take note of what he's saying all while stealing glances at Heeseung. I wonder what he's doing on that phone that it's more important that the CFO's presentation. When I look around, the shareholders are all present with the board and the managing director.

I'm quite sad Mr. Helbert couldn't make it but he said he's not feeling so well so his priority is to take some rest. He might look quite intimidating but he's the sweetest person I've ever seen. I'm so fond of him already.

"Mr. Lee," Roger's tone makes me look back at him, only to find him clenching his jaw while glaring at Heeseung. Shit. "Is your phone more interesting than this?"

"I'm not sure, what do you think?" He replies, still not looking up.

"I can't believe you're the CEO." Derek Cummings says out of nowhere and I can see Heeseung smiling from the corner of my eye. I memorized his name because of Heeseung talking shit about him. "Are you making her do all the work while you text the women you entertain yourself with?"

"Mr. Derek." The managing director speaks and a chill runs down my spine at his tone. He can be so damn intimidating at times.

"Do you feel inferior, Cummings?" The other men present snort at Heeseung's comment and I smile. Derek Cummings really has the personality of a wet blanket. Maybe it's his anger issues, or perhaps it's his inferiority complex that makes him so desperate for attention. But at least he has his fancy title on the board to make up for his obvious inferiority complex.

"How dare you speak to me like this?" He's ridiculous, really. When he does it it's fun, but when he's the target, he starts acting like a child.

"Enough of these petty insults, let's focus on what's important." Mr. William quickly glares at Heeseung as he leans in his chair, rolling his eyes and looking away. I don't even know how the presentation is done already when we step out of the conference room. But when we're about to leave, Derek's voice stops us in our tracks.

"Are you going to sleep with her just like you slept with Olivia?" His voice ticks me off but his words make my heart drop. I know I'm just one of Zaynhe's flings, but the thought of him sleeping with Olivia and then potentially using me, in the same way, makes me feel sick in the stomach. I try to keep my composure as the words sink in. I don't want to believe that I'm just another woman that Heeseung has used and discarded, because at some point we're more than just a fling, but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise.

"Let me make something clear, Derek," Heeseung's voice is low and dangerous and when he takes a step closer, Derek instinctively takes a step back. "You think you can just talk about her like that and get away with it? I have ways of dealing with people like you and trust me, you won't like them. Consider this your only warning, if you so much as breathe a word about Y/N again, you'll regret it." I can see the fear in Derek's eyes as Heeseung's words sink in. I don't know what kind of "ways" Heeseung has of dealing with people like him, but I have a feeling that they're not pleasant.

His words make me freeze and I just watch while Derek cocks his eyebrows and then turns to leave, leaving me standing here with Heeseung's presence making me nervous. I don't want to talk about whatever I heard. I mean him sleeping with Olivia shouldn't bother me, right? But it does, and that's the fucking problem.

"Damn, Heeseung," A familiar voice is heard and I wish I could disappear right here, right now. When I turn around, it's no other than Olivia. Talk about perfect timing. "I didn't know you had it in you."

Heeseung's expression turns cold and I can see the anger boiling beneath the surface. "Save it, Olivia," he says through gritted teeth. "You know damn well that what happened between us was a mistake. And if you have any respect for Y/N or me, you'll keep your mouth shut about it."

Olivia rolls her eyes and smirks. "Relax, Heeseung. I don't kiss and tell."

"Then leave. I'm not in the mood for your games." His voice is threatening and I hear Olivia scoff before she walks away, the sound of her heels against the floor making me want to break them in half.

"I need to leave as well." I didn't mean to sound this hurt, but my voice comes out barely above a whisper. And when I'm about to leave, Heeseung is holding my wrist. "Let me go."

"We're not talking here." Before I know it, he's pulling me with him and towards the office and I'm dreading what's about to happen because I'm so fucking annoyed right now and he's in a shitty mood so this is the worst moment for a conversation about Olivia or whoever he's sleeping with, including me.

"You're hurting me-" I yank my hand away when we step inside the office but all he does is close the door and sigh heavily. "I don't want to talk to you now."

"We need to, okay? I obviously don't give a fuck about this but I don't want you to-"

"I don't want to talk about Olivia!" Shit. The way his eyes widen when I yell at him makes me freeze and I gulp. Heeseung hates people yelling at him.

His jaw clenches and he steps closer to me, his eyes blazing with anger. "I don't want to talk about her either, but don't you fucking yell at me, Y/N."

I throw my hands in the air. I'm so annoyed right now I could shoot him. "Why are you always like... this? Every time we take a step forward you make us take three backward? Why do you make me want you when you're not even serious about anything-" Before I finish my sentence, Heeseung suddenly crashes his lips onto mine, his hands grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. I'm supposed to be angry but all the anger and frustration in the room melt away as our kiss turns into something more, something raw and passionate. He backs me up against the desk, his hands sliding up my thighs and under my skirt. Shit. I gasp when he traces his fingers along the edge of my panties, teasing me relentlessly.

"Heeseung, stop." My voice is hoarse but he hears me and stops right away, backing away while I pant heavily. This man is going to be the death of me. "You can't just distract me with your games every time we have an argument. If you want me then stop being a coward and-"

His expression darkens, his eyes narrowing as he takes a step toward me. I hate those eyes. "You think you're so fucking perfect, don't you? You think you can just walk into my life and change everything?" He smiles. No, he smirks, and it's a threat. "You're so fucking naive, Y/N. Did I make you think I want you?"

I take a step back, my heart pounding in my chest as the anger that had melted away comes crashing back. "You know damn well you want me."

"You're easy to play with." I can't tell if he's mad or happy while saying those words, he becomes so fucking unreadable to me. And I feel the heat rising in my cheeks, the anger and hurt mixing together until I can't tell which is which.

"Oh yeah?" I snap back, my own anger starting to boil over. "And you're just like an empty can. You're too loud, but inside? You're nothing but hollow. You're just a fucking asshole." I quickly pack my things while he stands there, not looking at me before I step out and slam the door shut. Then I stop in my tracks because I caught a glimpse of his tight fists and how he was shaking. But I'm content with it because of everything he'd said and done.

Yeah, it's not like I care. Not one bit.

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