9 - Thank You, Next

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Fuck Lee Heeseung. If I could, I'd write it in bold all over the walls of the world, so everyone can see how much of an asshole he is.

After what happened and after I got out of his car, I made my way back to the café and changed from that fucking dress into my clothes. As I remove it, it feels like shedding a layer of false pretenses that he had wrapped around me. I put it back in the bag along with the jewelry and mentally remind myself that I have to give it back to him, which I'm already dreading. 

It was never mine and it will never be. I would never keep anything that serves as a reminder of tonight.

I can't understand why I'm so frustrated or why I expected him to be nice when he was the worst asshole I've ever met since the very beginning. It was all too good to be true, he would always spend time with women and toss them away like they were some worthless junk he didn't care about. But I'm not going to beat myself up for whatever happened. I'm worth more than all the wealth or power he holds and so much more than his twisted games.

Riding my motorcycle back home, I park it in the garage and take a deep breath, trying to let go of the lingering anger. When I step inside the house, I look for my mother in the living room. 

"Y/N? You're home?" Her voice feels like a warm blanket around my shivering body and I smile, relieved to be in the comforting presence of someone who truly loves me.

"Hey, mom." She's watching her favorite show and I make my way to her, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. Seriously, this feeling is indescribable; my mother's embrace always has a way of easing my troubles, even if only for a moment. It's truly the best feeling in the world. "I missed you."

"I thought you were spending the night with Sunoo." She says and pulls me closer, her hands warming me up.

"I was planning to, but something came up and I had to leave. Besides, he's going to have a girlfriend soon, I should stop staying at his house." I smile and close my eyes at the familiar warmth. "I have a feeling he'll ask Sarah out soon."

"If it's meant to be, it will happen. I'm sure the two of them will be happy." She says, her voice gentle and understanding. "Now on to you. How was your day?" When I look at her, her eyes tell me whatever words she can't say. I can never understand how much she misses my father, but I can tell that he left a void in her heart that will never fully heal.

"I gave him the flowers you got for him." Every year, we visit his grave together and lay fresh flowers to honor his memory. He's not physically here, but she wants to make sure he knows that she still loves and misses him. "He's lucky to have such a loving wife like you."

"I know, right?" I watch as she smiles a little and I hug her again, holding her close before I make my way to my room, taking off my jacket and tossing it on the bed. Billy, the teddy bear Sunoo got me for my birthday, watches me while I change into sweatpants and a black t-shirt with "Hakuna Matata" printed in bold, white letters. I laugh at the irony because I'm definitely not feeling carefree right now. 

Today's events replay in my mind when I stare at the Yves Saint Laurent bag on my bed. Mom didn't even question where I got it, she obviously thinks I just got the bag somehow. Mom, if only you knew the amount of money inside. Who even knew that one-day Lee Heeseung and I would go shopping in Yves Saint Laurent?

I sigh heavily and put my hair out of my face before I start taking off my makeup, hoping for Heeseung to have the worst night ever because of him ruining mine. I mean, I was the one who snapped at him first, but his threats were so uncalled for. I know for a fact that he has all the money and power to do whatever he wants, but I have dignity and a life that are worth more than all these. 

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