₀₁ 6th year

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—ALORA HAD HER LUGGAGE in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, roaming on the train trying to spot her friends

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—ALORA HAD HER LUGGAGE in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, roaming on the train trying to spot her friends. Once Alex's laugh echoed through the train she immediately know to whom it belonged. The brunette opened the compartment door, and three heads turned to greet her with smiles on their faces.

Arabella was the first to stand up and give her a warm hug she gladly accepted. "Missed you, Lorry"

The blond Ravenclaw was Alora's best friend since she joined the first year, Arabella was a year younger but that hardly mattered because she appeared more mature than most of them. If you wanted advice Ara would be your first thought but besides her wise and know it all attitude, mischief held a huge spot in her heart.

"I'm sure your lives were boring without me" Alora laughed sitting down beside her best friend.

"I have to confirm, no Alora, no muggle drugs" Alex joked. Nott was a perfect addition to the group, he was funny, always in for a good time and often appeared careless and unable to make good decisions on his own.

"I don't have any for you this year sweetheart" The brunette gave him a fake pitful look, it was obviously a lie since Alora had multiple friends at the muggle
world that dealt with this type of thing, perks of living in a place where kids would do anything to rebel, but Theo's addiction last year got out of hand and no one would like to repeat that.

"Wait what?" Regulus stood up, stopping his fake sleeping act. "No muggle drugs?"

Arabella laughed throwing her head back, "You need to work on this addiction"

"You need to work on your dating life" Regulus rolled his eyes, the boy had a reputation of bickering with anything that breaths and that included his friends as well, and even though it was mad entertaining Arabella often got annoyed.

"Hey, I got more bitches than you last year Black" The blonde crossed her arms.

"I'm surprised Regulus wasn't one of them" Alora whispered to Alex, who was entertaining himself with the argument. The younger Black was rumoured to have feelings for Arabella back in the fourth year so jokes like that were often made amongst them.

"Deep down he wished he was" Alex laughed.

"What's so funny" Black raised an eyebrow. Once he got no response the boy turned to his book again with a little smile on his lips.

They might be mean to each other from time to time but their friendship worked pretty well to the point they're extremely close with each other. They all met in the first year except Blair who joined the friend group last year, but they trusted the girl nevertheless.

As long as they could remember, their bond was always special, they always had each other's back no matter what and would willingly take a bullet to save their friends.

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