₀₇ Unforgivable Curses

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THE MARAUDERS APPROACHED their second class of the day after Potion with Slughorn, Sirius and Remus were having serious anger issues problems that day while the other two tried to calm them down

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THE MARAUDERS APPROACHED their second class of the day after Potion with Slughorn, Sirius and Remus were having serious anger issues problems that day while the other two tried to calm them down.

"Why don't you just ask her to give you the wand?" Peter suggested after hearing Sirius' complaints about Laurel all morning. 

"Ask her for it? She'll laugh at his face" James tried to hold back a laugh but failed miserably as a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Should have hexed her when I had the opportunity" Sirius groaned, "and now what? I'll give up and get a new wand?"

"Yeah that's the smart choice and I'm convinced you'll do the total opposite" Remus commented shaking his head disapprovingly.

"No Moony I will actually do the smart option, I will corner her and take my wand back she likes it or not"

"Yeah see you at the hospital wing mate" Remus laughed at his idiocy.

"You have a better idea Moony?" James raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, Peter can sneak into her room as a rat and search for it." Remus was the smartest of the group, always having a genius way of solving problems even though the rest rarely listened to the boy as they wanted to create chaos.

"What's the fun part of that?" Sirius laughed high-fiving, James as he agreed.

"You being in one piece tomorrow" Peter sided with Moony's idea, wanting to be useful from once.

"She wouldn't hurt me if she wanted to Laurel had the chance yesterday" Sirius commented, "But all she did was stand there and piss me off"

"That's because she's bipolar not because she doesn't want to hurt you" James commented, "and I'm convinced, she enjoys annoying you"

"You're mad she interrupted your fun?" Peter shoved his shoulder, "It's understandable, we aren't judging"

"No, I actually enjoyed that part" Sirius smirked, memories flowing in his mind about the dark-haired witch at the alley making him wonder what the hell she was doing there and where she even came from since the alley was empty.

"Gross" Peter fake gagged.

"Come on we don't want to be late for Wullok's class" Remus shoved the group inside the classroom and regardless of them being five minutes early, the professor was already seated on his chair looking at them with a cold expression.

The class was almost filled except for Alora and her friend Alex who walked five minutes later than the Marauders, making them exactly on time.

"Ms Laurel" The Professor stood up glaring at the two of them with a smirk on his face, ignoring Nott who was beside her. Every student turned to look at the girl who glared at the professor as if he annoyed her to no end. "Yes?' Alora crooked an eyebrow not seeing the reason he called on her.

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