₁₆ Barty Crouch Jr

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BLAIR GROANED AS SHE forced herself to open her eyes, it was early in the morning and the raucous in the room couldn't let her go back to sleep

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BLAIR GROANED AS SHE forced herself to open her eyes, it was early in the morning and the raucous in the room couldn't let her go back to sleep. When she finally managed to pull her covers off she was met with Evan Rosier towering over an annoyed Alora. "What's happening–"

"Finally" Rosier snapped, "I was beginning to think you're in a hibernation. Come on we have things to discuss"

"Couldn't we discuss them later" the chocolate-skinned girl complained but at the same time rose from her comfortable bed and followed the duo towards their dorm's exit and ended up straight in the Slytherin common room. The whole group gathered there and it seemed like no one else was around, which at that time was normal.

Alora put a silence spell around their table, she could already sense the heated conversation. On top of it all, she had to explain what exactly happened last night, the girl had taken advantage of the gloaming silence musing about the event and she came across so many plot holes in the story which did not sit right with her.

"Dumbledore asked all the Prefects if someone was missing last night" Arabella sipped her morning tea, "Mine covered for me, I told her I was locked in one of the bathrooms and had no idea what was happening. Of course, she believed me, we all know the girls' restroom isn't so trustworthy"

They all nodded in agreement, at least one of them was safe from the rumours probably spreading around at this moment.

"Mulciber didn't do the same for you" Regulus' eyes caught Alora's sleepy ones. "The git took the opportunity to get you in trouble and used it"

"Of course, he did" Alora scoffed, "It's whatever, I can handle Dumbledore's interrogation that's not a problem after all that girl they attacked will wake up and confirm I had nothing to do with it"

Arabella had a better knowledge of everything that occurred, she wanted to ask Alora a bunch of questions– about that book, the spell she used and what the hell Sirius Black was doing with her. She kept her mouth shut for now, she could see her best friend being overwhelmed by the whole situation and didn't want to add more to it.

After all, she trusted Alora with her life.

"Let's take it from the beginning" Nott spoke up and everyone's glares turned towards him, "Arabella– what the hell happened?"

The blonde girl looked down for a second trying to recall everything, "I remember going to the bar to grab a drink and then I decided to go out for some fresh air– someone probably hit me in the head then, the first thing I saw after I woke up was Alora"

"Did they hurt you?" Regulus was eyeing her hoping he wouldn't find any injuries, the question worried Alora a lot too– she would never forget herself if she was the reason Arabella got hurt. Her calm demeanour proved to them all that she was not traumatized at all.

Arabella smiled softly at the question, "No, I think they were quite young and didn't risk ruining the plan. Besides, when I woke up and saw Alora there I was sure I would get out of there unharmed" The blonde shot Alora a grateful smile.

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