₁₇ Alora Kalligan?

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A WEEK PASSED, AND ALMOST everything was back to normal

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A WEEK PASSED, AND ALMOST everything was back to normal. The incident with the muggleborn somehow got forgotten since the girl got out of the hospital wing and denied all the rumours about the group of Slytherins being involved in the case. So Alora could finally wake up in the morning without a pile of three dozen hate letters out of her dorm.

What didn't change, though, was Barty Crouch's words that day in the classroom. Alora had in her possession 10 bottles of the potion in total, which would last her 10 days, and then if she didn't find a solution, there would not be any other way to slow down the process.

So she began reading in the library, just in case she came across the recipe.

And since she spent most of her week there, she decided to scan over the darkest arts book hoping to find something interesting enough or worthy of the fuse the death eaters caused just to get their hands on it. She found different types of potions and curses but nothing out of the ordinary.

Except for a ripped page where only the title was visible, Horcruxes. That only pulled her interest more.

Alora spent the whole day trying to find at least one piece of information about the topic but she found none, it seemed like everything that had to do with Horcruxed just vanished from the face of the earth- or Dumbledore purposely removed all the documents even from the Restricted Section which tickled her curiosity even more. 

Asking Dumbledore himself was completely out of the question since it would raise suspicion towards her and she would rather shoot herself than ask his assistance in anything. Then there was Professor Wullok, but he had been avoiding her like an illness, he never acknowledged her in class, and the two times Alora approached him, he quickly found an excuse and disappeared from the room in a matter of seconds.

"Hey baby, you good?" Arabella came from behind unexpectedly and brushed her fingers through Alora's hair, the three boys and Blair following.

"Yeah, just reading."

"That's the reason we were wondering if you're alright." Alex chuckled.

Alora flipped him off and turned her head in their direction, wondering why are they all gathered up in the library.

"You're so funny, Alex" Arabella rolled her eyes at the joke, and the boy stuck his tongue out like an immature kid.

"What are you doing here anyway? I presumed you're allergic to this place" Alora cracked a smile.

"Because Alex would do anything for Alora", Rosier mocked him with a high-pitched voice and moved his hands as if he was in a choreography.

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