₂₁ Wolfsbane

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"HEY, CAN WE TALK?" A WORRIED Remus approached her the next day in the library

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"HEY, CAN WE TALK?" A WORRIED Remus approached her the next day in the library. His body was scarred and the colour was drained from his usually bright face, the poor boy looked more exhausted than ever. His condition actually gave Alora the realization of how little she observes the other people around her, how she never noticed him being all weak and fragile once a month.

Alora closed the darkest arts book which she hadn't stopped reading after the potion worked so she's learning new dark spells every day. Her full attention was now on the shy boy in front of her, "Sure, sit. You okay?"

"Nothing I can't handle" Remus hesitantly took a seat opposite of her. "Are you?"

"Just fine"

The sandy-haired body took a deep breath and lowered his head in embarrassment, "I just wanted to apologize for last night, I know words cannot describe how sorry I am and it's all my fault I know—  I completely understand if you tell everyone about me–"

"You're too hard on yourself" Alora gave him a small nod. "It's not really your fault, you shouldn't blame yourself"

Her softness surprised him, he had never seen Alora speak so gently before or have a reassuring smile on her face. But the reason might be the company he keeps every time he comes across the girl which always ends up with Sirius insulting her and Alora trying to have the last word every time not caring about the boundaries she will pass.

"I should be hard on myself– I keep hurting people and now it's you and I feel terrible that you have to get through that because of me—" 

"You didn't hurt me, Remus, it's just a scratch" Alora gave him a pointed look, the whole apology peach made her uncomfortable and the amber-haired boy hadn't even started.

"A scratch that's going to last forever, how are you not mad at me? I almost killed you" You could see from afar his guilty expression and if he kept talking he might as well burst into crying.

"The worst thing about it is that' I'm not going to be able to do a tattoo in the place that I wanted. But there is always the other leg"

"You're just saying that to make me feel better, to feel less than a monster— "

At this statement, Alora let out a small huff of annoyance, "Yeah because my speciality is to make people feel better. Look Remus you're the last person that's going to pop into my mind when I hear the word monster so enough, my leg is just fine so apology accepted. Besides you shouldn't  feel that way about yourself, your condition will be there for the rest of your life– you need to learn it doesn't determine you and move on"

"You have a special way to comfort people" Remus stopped apologizing after that.

"I'm not trying to comfort you" Alora caught his guilty eyes looking at her, "you're just not the monster you think you are. You would be if you were in control of your actions but you don't need me to understand that. I've noticed you're smart enough to realize it yourself. "

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