₁₁ The list

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HOGWARTS DOES NOT TAKE Halloween lightly, decorations start at least one week before the actual date and all the students are looking forward to the yearly costume party that takes place at the room of requirement

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HOGWARTS DOES NOT TAKE Halloween lightly, decorations start at least one week before the actual date and all the students are looking forward to the yearly costume party that takes place at the room of requirement.

Skulls and carved pumpkins were hanging in the air ready to scare every breathing creature in the castle by releasing painfully to the ears screams if you touched any of them. Weird creatures were freely wandering around Hogwarts to try and catch anyone off guard and even the food at the morning table was into the vibe.

Alora had the hardest time studying spells from the Secrets of the Darkest Arts book all night. She of course could not practice them on people because of how cruel they were but memorised them nevertheless just in case they actually worked.

For example, there was:

Makes your enemy's blood boil from the inside until your skin is melting.


Break your opponent's bones into small pieces until you're nothing but a broken doll scattered on the floor.

She now understood why the book was banned from the wizarding world, it was too dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. 

Anyways, erasing the tiredness from her body, Alora was enjoying most of the day. Going shopping for candy with Rosier and Reg, buying decorations for the dorm with Blair and hanging out with Arabella all day.

"I think the list is ready" Alex approached the table where the whole group was seated, "it's on the Slytherin board"

"Really?" Alora rose with excitement.

THE LIST is one of the student's ideas. It's basically a three-foot-long parchment that pairs up every single student of Hogwarts so they can create a costume together and try to win the contest. The whole point of the competition was to bring the school closer and stop the rivalry between the four houses.

Five years now the Slytherin witch is winning the competition and she planned on doing the exact same thing this year. Usually, the award is a couple of galleons that the girl could definitely use or a bunch of gifts.

"yeah I'm paired up with the Greengrass boy" Arabella yawned out of exhaustion, "he's a good one I must admit"

"I need to see" Alora stood up as well, snatching Alex's arm and pulling him out of the room without another word. The duo practically run through the corridors to get a look at the list quickly.

"Please be someone good" The blonde prayed as they approached the headmaster's door searching desperately for their names, "YES, Parkinson from 6th year, she's a fine one don't you agree"

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