₂₃ Voices

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WALBURGA BLACK INSISTED THAT Alora and Sirius should share a room for the two weeks they are going to stay in Grimmauld Place

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WALBURGA BLACK INSISTED THAT Alora and Sirius should share a room for the two weeks they are going to stay in Grimmauld Place. Sirius had a surprised look on his face when the old woman announced her arrangements while the Slytherin witch knew exactly the reason behind her 'kind' gesture.

Alora overheard the Black couple discuss her situation. They had somehow gotten the blood they needed from Dorian and the potion had actually worked and she was officially a Kalligan, which somehow made her feel uneasy. And apparently having a Kalligan heir in the house was a big deal since Walburga kept repeating the fact she did not want Sirius to break up with Alora anytime soon.

Hence the shared rooms.

"I can't believe my mother came up with this idea" Sirius groaned. "She liked you a little too much and she doesn't like anyone"

"I can be very lovely"

"You can? I thought your only personality trait was to blackmail people" The Gryffindor boy unlocked the door of his room so they could step in.

"That's not a personality trait, it's a talent" Alora entered the big room looking around in awe. The room was bigger than the Slytherin's common room with decorations that were worth twice as much as the whole neighbourhood's houses combined, there was a closet the size every girl dreamed of and a double bed in the middle of the room with silk red pillows starred around the soft mattress.

But besides the little details, the room screamed Sirius Black. He had posters of Quidditch teams, motorcycles and half-naked women glued on his wall. There was red and gold everywhere which did not match the house's aesthetic at all and it actually felt warmer compared to the cold and empty feeling that surrounded the whole house.

He even had some muggle stuff lying around the room, for example, a record player, a radio, and some books written by muggle authors.

"Look at all these girls, and I thought I was the only one turning you on" Alora made herself comfortable sitting on his bed.

"Want me to add you to the list?" Sirius rolled his eyes at the sudden attitude change since two minutes ago she was complaining about the sleeping arrangements.

"Only if you take down all the others" The girl gave him a small wink.

Sirius chuckled taking off his coat and hanging the material in the closet, he was still mad at her but after having some thoughts about the situation he came up with the conclusion that it's not really his business what Alora is up to and his only duty here was to act like a good boyfriend for two weeks and get his necklace back.

He swallowed the fact she was a Kalligan and as much as he despises the particulate family, Sirius also knows Alora did nothing without a plan and he decided to allow her to do whatever for now and just act his part.

Besides he could have a little fun these two weeks.
Only a little.
Just out of boredom and the fact he's stuck here.

"So, where are you sleeping?"

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