₀₆ Play fetch with me?

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ALORA AND REGULUS were currently strutting their way to the Quidditch pitch for the tryouts, and since the Black boy had now the title of the team's captain this year he had to choose some talented players so they could win the cup

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ALORA AND REGULUS were currently strutting their way to the Quidditch pitch for the tryouts, and since the Black boy had now the title of the team's captain this year he had to choose some talented players so they could win the cup. The Slytherin boy had a huge passion for the game, and his excuse being it could take his mind off things.

Alora was never one to play sports, but she didn't mind watching the boys and girls flying around all sweaty and gorgeous and whispering about it to her friend Arabella at every game.

This year, however, she had other plans than to watch the tryouts with Ara.

"I'm convinced this is going to be our year," Regulus said with confidence, "I'm tired of Gryffindors winning the cup every time, I'm going to create the best team that ever walked in Hogwarts"

"I believe in you Reg" Alora hummed, her eyes glued to the notebook in her hands as she read every sentence with such interest and concentration as if her life depended on it. But the second Regulus moves his head to take a peek at what the girl was reading she closed the book instantly leaving the boy confused.

"What are you reading?" He asked, "You haven't put that book down at all today"

"I believe I found a potion that would help me find my birth parents" Alora blurred out, the darkest arts book not only had dark spells but it contained a variety of potions as well. "I just need to find some ingredients and it's done"

"Still not giving up on your research for them? I thought you didn't care about your birth parents"

"I couldn't care less about them, I want to learn about my powers. All the books about curses disappeared from the library the moment Dumbledore figured out I was searching for them– that bitch" Alora cursed, the hatred for the headmaster was growing more and more every year.

"Oh, you think they'll know something?"

"Probably, doesn't hurt to try"

"Curiosity killed the cat Lorry" Regulus chuckled throwing the broom over his shoulder to carry it effortlessly.

"Curiosity is a weak opponent against me Reg" the girl smiled before turning the other way to sneak into a broom closet that would lead her straight to Hogsmeade.

Hogsmeade was extremely quiet at this hour of the day, usually at night it was really crowded since people enjoyed themselves more, but it was completely opposite in the morning. Most shops were closed and only small bakeries were working.

But the shop the Slytherin was looking for was more hidden than the rest beautifully decorated shops that had one purpose, to attract customers. Barty's ingredients and potions store was only known from a few. And Alora was a regular visitor.

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