₁₃ Party gone wrong

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"YOU TWO LOOK LIKE HOOKERS" James yelled through the congested room once Alora and Sirius promenaded in, the Potter boy was in a funny Peter Pan costume wearing some green pants and a matching button-up shirt that had most of the buttons undone an...

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"YOU TWO LOOK LIKE HOOKERS" James yelled through the congested room once Alora and Sirius promenaded in, the Potter boy was in a funny Peter Pan costume wearing some green pants and a matching button-up shirt that had most of the buttons undone and the finale a forest green cap decorating his messy curls.

"Thanks, man" Sirius took pride at the compliment and even though he didn't want to admit it, Alora had done a hell of good work with the idea.

"It wasn't a compliment Sirius" Remus rolled his eyes.

"From Potter? Totally is" Alora joined Sirius at the table, as much as the girl desired to go with her group, the duo had to be seen together for a little longer so the judges of the competition could observe the costume complete.

"Yeah, hookers are hot" James nodded in agreement, "are you going to play us a song with that guitar Padfoot?"

Sirius gave him a chuckle removing the guitar from his body and laying the instrument in a chair carefully not to do any damage. "Not today"

The place was unsurprisingly full of students that you had a hard time even moving through the crowd, it had a bar placed at the corner and some couches and tables all around the room that are all occupied, so that left the middle of the room which was specifically for dancing.

"So, you had fun with your rockstar?" James chuckled sarcastically while gazing in Alora's direction.

"I think he had more fun than I did" Alora gave the Gryffindor beside her a wink before slowly removing the jacket to reveal the sleeveless black top. "Hold that for me will you?"

Sirius had no choice but to oblige since she didn't leave him much of a choice and threw the jacket at his arms before turning on her heels to approach her group of friends.

"What a woman" Peter eyed her walking away in awe, his lips slightly parted making the three boys roll their eyes.

"Snap out of it Wormtail, you're falling for her trap like an idiot" Sirius pushed Pete's head in the other direction, but he couldn't get himself to look away as the girl walked past people and caught more eyes than the thousands of gallons statues his mother bought constantly to decorate the house. But that wasn't the most intriguing part, Alora could walk around with the shortest skirts and tiniest tops and no one had the balls to comment on it or even dare to touch her.

If she wasn't such a bitch it might have been his goal to be the one to approach her.

"Speaking from experience mate?" Remus chuckled making fun of the two boys.

The Siren's song| Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now