₁₂ Rockstar's girlfriend

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SIRIUS WAS IMPATIENTLY WAITING for Alora at his dorm, the rest of the Marauders had already departed from the room to meet their partners and start dressing up for the party, while the dark-haired Gryffindor was left alone just with his thoughts f...

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SIRIUS WAS IMPATIENTLY WAITING for Alora at his dorm, the rest of the Marauders had already departed from the room to meet their partners and start dressing up for the party, while the dark-haired Gryffindor was left alone just with his thoughts for company.

He had no idea what Alora had planned for today, but one thing he was certain of. It would be good.

Sirius didn't even bother to wait for her outside the portrait of the fat lady, he knew for a fact the Slytherin witch would find her way into his dorm without his help. And he was right, despite her late arrival Alora twisted the doorknob and the door cracked open with a screeching noise.

"You're late" Sirius stood up from his bed with a small smile.

"I was with Marlene" Alora approached the messy bed to lay her bag down, "she convinced me to get a tooth gem"

Alora flashed her perfectly white teeth to show the glittering gem that decorated her left tooth, it looked like an audition to her already sparkly look.

"What have you planned for today?" Sirius tried to catch a glimpse of what could possibly be on that silver-coloured bag that looked as heavy as the box of his mother's thousands of pieces of jewellery.

"Are you into rockstars Sirius?" once again his name coming out of her pretty mouth bothered him to no end, and the reason was as simple as that, he hated how good it sounded.

His eyes bored into her as she licked the gem on her left tooth with her tongue, waiting for an answer. "Pretty things they are, so we are rock stars?"

"You are" Alora turned her head towards the closet to search for any piece of clothing that would pass somehow as rock stylish. "I'm your girlfriend"

"So I'm a mad rockstar? Cause only crazy men would take you as their girlfriend" Sirius chuckled at her answer, even thinking about it brought sweat to his forehead.

"Works for me" Alora gave him a small wink, as she began to search through his wardrobe once again.

The combination of fashion selections in his closet was actually surprising, the majority of them were muggle clothes but she came across some old-fashioned pieces she never imagined him wearing. Alora always thought digging into a man's closet revealed a lot about them and she was right, his collection described him perfectly.

"If you wanted to date me, you could have told me, darling, why are you planning a whole scenario?" Sirius sat on his bed spreading his legs in the process as he leaned a bit backwards to support himself with his toned arms.

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