₀₅ Professor's favourite

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ALORA WAS NOT ALLOWED TO go to Hogsmeade, no one from the orphanage would sign her paper for permission but it wasn't something that would stop the dark-haired witch

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ALORA WAS NOT ALLOWED TO go to Hogsmeade, no one from the orphanage would sign her paper for permission but it wasn't something that would stop the dark-haired witch. Her ability to turn into a crow came very handy in situations like these.

"We should go grab a butterbeer at Three Broomsticks, I'm freezing" Arabella crossed her arms trying to warm herself up even slightly, the cold breeze had started early this year and September was not like it used to be.

"I agree, are you done shopping?" Rosier asked the dark-skinned girl who was carrying ten bags full of stuff in her arms and refused to let anyone help her.


The second the Slytherin group stepped into the warm pud, the unexpected change of temperature made their skin crawl. The three broomsticks were packed with students enjoying their time, sharing stories about their vacations or their families and generally talking to their friends after months without seeing each other.

The place reeked of butterbeer and firewhiskey with a mix of strong sweet fragrances that did not match each other but were pleasant nevertheless.

Heads turned when the group ambled through the tables to approach the only available one near the bar, it was a common thing for the Slytherins to catch attention. Not only because all of them were unbelievably attractive but each one of them had their own reputation that everyone was aware of.

"Do you see that one over there?" Blair whispered in Alora's ear making the dark-haired witch turn towards where the finger was pointed. "I met him at the Summer Ball and he's so good in bed"

Alora smiled at her friend's words eyeing the young boy carefully, "You fucked Avery? He's like a whore"

"When did that stop me?" The chocolate-skinned girl laughed and sat at the empty chair.

Turning around Alora was met with Nott pulling the chair out for her and giving her a small wink, "When did you become a gentleman?" She raised an eyebrow and her friend sat on the extended stool.

"At the moment you got so incredibly sexy" Alex's smooth voice pleasantly caressed her ear, the boy still looking at her sat beside Alora and threw an arm around her shoulder like he always did.

"I'll throw up and I haven't even drunk yet" Rosier commented with a fake disgusted face. "Key word, yet. Where are the drinks?"

"Are you working today Alora?" Arabella asked her friend.

"If Rosmerta needs a second-hand, I could use some money" Alora turned her gaze towards the bar where the beautiful woman who owned the bar was pouring some drinks, she hadn't yet noticed Alora's arrival.

"Why is there something you can't steal so u have to buy?" Rosier joked.

"Cigarettes" Regulus responded like a know-it-all, "they are all behind the counters"

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