₀₈ Short skirts

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IT WAS NEARLY NINE and Alora was debating whether she would show up at Wullok's detention or not

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IT WAS NEARLY NINE and Alora was debating whether she would show up at Wullok's detention or not. The Professor was already perceived as sketchy to her, and there was no denying he was weirdly obsessed with her. Ever since classes started, Wullok didn't lose a chance to get the two of them alone and today he succeeded.

Currently, the group was seated on the comfortable green couch, in the common room, which was decorated with little silk pillows and thin blankets.

"Just don't go, what is he gonna do? Put you into another one?" Alex rested his hands behind his head leaning on the sofa so Alora could rest her head on his lap more comfortably.

"Man is crazy, he will continue putting you in detention until you show up" Rosier commented, the cigarette in his hand was passed to Alora's lips while she inhaled without saying a word. "Besides someone needs to figure out the motive behind yesterday's lesson"

"Evan is right, just go so you can get over it quickly" Blair agreed, yawning in the middle of the sentence.

"I just can't stand his face" Alora groaned just at the thought of the Professor talking about himself for three hours straight and simultaneously hitting on her at times.

"Why? He's actually hot as hell and everyone seems to agree with that" Blair stated and the two boys glanced at her with disgusted expressions on their faces. "Joking, Joking"

Alora couldn't really argue with the fact her professor was quite attractive since he was both young and charming-looking, although what took her a step back was his ambition to get closer to her for some reason. "The fact that he's a complete douchebag throws me off a little"

"He is giving detentions like it's candy, I say you show him who's in control and ditch" Alex exhaled the smoke before talking again, "I can get us something fun to do"

"I'm sure you can" Alora rose from the comfortable position from resting her head on Alex's lap to be on eye level with him as she blew some smoke directly at his face with a small smile, "but I should get over this"

"Good because I want to sleep in my room tonight" Blair laughed at the duo.

"Who said anything about the room" The Slytherin girl gave her best friend a wink before she leapt to her feet.

"I suggest you leave before you give him a boner" Rosier laughed out loud throwing a pillow straight at her face which she caught in no second and pitched back at him.

Alora wished them a good night before retreating her way out of the Slytherin common room and back to the quiet corridors she loved so much. But the quietude didn't last too long since a particular blond Gryffindor broke the silence by shouting from across the room, "Nice skirt Laurel"

The comment would usually get the person hexed across the room but a smile appeared on Alora's face once she recognised the voice of Marlene Mckinnon approaching her.

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