₂₅Two Sides of the same coin

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SIRIUS WAS BEYOND GRATEFUL THAT he was finally out of Grimmauld Place

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SIRIUS WAS BEYOND GRATEFUL THAT he was finally out of Grimmauld Place. The place he could not call home even after so many years of trying to blend in, he just didn't belong there.

Alora was walking beside him as they wandered around the empty streets of Islington, it was extremely late so no kind soul was out in that area. One of the reasons Sirius decided to follow the girl, after the fact he was desperate for an excuse to get out of his house and feel the cold air hit his skin since it felt like he couldn't even breathe between the dark walls of the place.

"Greetings" An old man approached the duo from the dark alley he was coming from, his face was wrinkly but mischief and darkness filled his eyes. Sirius recognised him from somewhere, he was a thief. "Would this beautiful lady take a look at my beautiful necklaces?"

Before Alora could respond, Sirius was quick enough to say, "No, have a good night".

The Gryffindor placed a hand on Alora's back and led her away from the dark alley, "I know a thief when I see one Sirius, no need to act all protective no one is watching"

"Right" The boy removed the hand and shoved it into his pocket, he kept forgetting that no one from his circle of people would be around here and he had no reason to act this way towards Alora. "Just practising for the Ball"

"Yeah, I'm sure you are" Alora chuckled at his response.

"You don't believe me?"

Alora just shook her head and the moment she was about to open her mouth to speak a bright sign appeared in front of them and as it seemed it was a name from an underground pub, "We should go there"

"There? You're insane" Sirius looked over at her but Alora was already on her way to open the door and get it, groaning the young boy followed behind her before she got herself lost in the crowd and they never saw each other for the rest of the night.

Sirius had his usual visits to this place every time Christmas or Summer came around and he had to suffer staying at home all day without having anything to do besides getting yelled at by his mother, so he often sneaked out and came here to get wasted. But as much as he knew the place it still wasn't safe for a girl to walk in there without an escort.

The pub reeked of alcohol and different kinds of drugs, people were smoking at every corner you turned your eyes on and many of them were making out with people they probably met five minutes ago. Sirius tried desperately to catch sight of Alora in the crowd, it wasn't too difficult since the girl was once again the spotlight of the place.

He moved past the small wooden tables scattered around the room to reach for the one Alora had secured for them, it was near the bar and infront of the dancing floor where a bunch of girls and boys were moving with rhythm. "You need to stop disappearing like that"

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