₂₀ Remus type of problems

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IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN PAST 2 AM, but Alora could not fall asleep even if her life depended on it

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IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN PAST 2 AM, but Alora could not fall asleep even if her life depended on it. She tried to reach out for Blair but the girl was nowhere to be seen so she gave up and decided to have a walk outside the castle and stroll around the grounds or the lake.

And as if someone was granting her wishes, Blair's figure showed up and Alora could clearly see her even from the distance that the girl was ready to enter the forest. Her glare immediately moved to the moon shining into the sky, full, it was a full moon and the dark-skinned girl had no clue about one of her classmate's problems that particular night.

Opening the window the girl turned immediately into a crow and bolted out to warn her friend. But when Alora finally touched land Zabini was nowhere to be found, she either went deeper into the forest or Alora was seeing things all of a sudden.

The moment the girl turned into her heels a voice called her from the forest thst sounded much like Blair. But yet her form was still not visible.

"Blair?" Alora called just in case she would receive a response, but she didn't. She was already too deep into the forest by the time she realized she might be so sleep-deprived that she was imagining things– but the gut feeling didn't allow her to turn back immediately.

The night was suspiciously peaceful and Alora wondered the reason she had not yet faced an animal living in the woods until she heard an animalistic howl come from not so far away so it might be the right time to give up on the search snd go back to the castle

She didn't turn into her animagus, she might be able to track Blair if she was on foot, the cold air was hitting her skin with a rough pattern and the lack of clothes inside her jacket wasn't helping the shivers all over her body.

This was all so confusing, Blair always hated the dark forest and she would never willingly come here by herself and considering it was a full moon she would have been smarter than that. But Alora wanted to make sure, you never knew these days that with all the attacks and death eaters inside the castle, they might have forced her too— it wasn't so uncommon for Mulciber's crew to do shit like this for the fun of it.

And considering the rivalry between Alora's friends and them it wouldn't be a surprise if they had led Blair into the forest.

Or– her.

Her heart skipped a beat when the thought of all this being a trap came across her mind, everything is possible nd a bunch of people would love to see her hurt. It can't be the Marauders– they wouldn't risk Remus' sector just to get revenge on something. That happened a long time ago and she believed Sirius would not like to repeat that mistake.

The wolf seemed to have started howling once again and Alora took it as a hint to transform into her animagus form and fly until she reached the castle for safety purposes.

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