₁₄ Deatheaters?

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"WHERE'S ARABELLA?" Alora rushed outside to meet Regulus who had a panicked look on his face, the brunette witch had turned the room upside down in the hope she would find her muggle-born friend but Arabella was nowhere to be seen

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"WHERE'S ARABELLA?" Alora rushed outside to meet Regulus who had a panicked look on his face, the brunette witch had turned the room upside down in the hope she would find her muggle-born friend but Arabella was nowhere to be seen. "You were supposed to be with her"

"She told me she's getting a drink, how am I supposed to know she's never coming back from the bar" Regulus argued.

More than three-quarters of Hogwarts students had gathered outside of the room of Requirements to witness the attack, a muggleborn seventh-year that goes by the name Suzanne Abbott was lying down with blood covering her clothes and face. Everywhere you looked you would meet terrified faces and trembling hands, and most of the muggleborn students rushed instead to the safety of their dorms.

Suzanne's friends dropped to their knees beside the unconscious girl and let out a cry for help which the professors obviously became aware of since they arrived at the crime scene in such a rush that they were still dressed in their nightgowns and pyjamas.

"What is the name of Merlin is going on here" Mcgonagall pushed the students aside to take a peek at the reason all the students were gathered in one place. But once the moment to face the victim came, Minerva went pale and gasped in horror. "Oh, my—"

"Let's all remain calm and step aside" Dumbledore joined the crowd, but he was as serene as usual. "Poppy please take Ms Abbott to the hospital wing"

"Of course" Madam Pomfrey and a few of the professors removed the body from the floor and carefully carried Suzanne away from the crowd and into the hospital wing which locked after they all settled down.

Alora felt a hand caress her shoulder and turned around to see Rosier with a half smile on his face, "We will find her, don't worry about it"

"I know, I'm just waiting for the moment Dumbledore will leave" Alora watched the old man carefully discussing with the remaining professors how will they deal with the problem.

One thing is sure, they will all mostly blame the Slytherin students and particularly the ones born into a pureblood family which meant Alora's friends would have eyes glued to them for the next month so Dumbledore can make sure they're not tangled into the mess.

The smell of blood still lingered in the air as Alora scrunched her nose in disgust and most students had their noses covered with a shirt or their hands or they had completely vanished from the room. Alora scrutinized around and confusion struck her when her gaze caught her main suspects looking as confused as the rest of the students.

Avery, Mulciber and the rest of the group had all been at the party dancing and drinking so the main question was, who allowed the Deatheaters to enter the castle if not the prejudiced purebloods with a record for hating muggle-borns?

"SILENCE, all the students please return to their dorms" Dumbledore's voice echoed, "you have ten minutes to enter the common room before the portraits lock so no one can exit or enter. Deatheaters are freely walking around the school and for your own good and safety follow your Perfects until we decide you are not in danger anymore and unlock the doors of each house"

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