₁₀ Quidditch

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—REGULUS HAD PRACTICALLY BEGGED the brunette witch to attend the Quidditch practice today since he was too sick to even stand up and take a step out of his door room

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—REGULUS HAD PRACTICALLY BEGGED the brunette witch to attend the Quidditch practice today since he was too sick to even stand up and take a step out of his door room. He eventually managed to convince Alora by saying how important this game was for him and that they couldn't miss a practice.

So instead of hearing him whine about his captain's duties she decided to give Quidditch a chance and go order some students around as a way of having fun. And it also could take her mind off things for example the potion that would be ready in one month or the fact her Dada professor was a cunt.

The fresh air slapped her face as the brunette stepped outside the castle and strutted her way towards the Quidditch pitch where about thirteen students were waiting for instructions.

"What are you doing here?" Alex chuckled taking a step forward with a joking expression painted all over his face, probably because Alora had never had an interest towards Quidditch.

"Reg is sick and couldn't come, so I'm your captain for the day."

"You?" Mulciber barked out a laugh that no one but his two friends joined.

"Yes, that's what I said" The brunette crossed her arms over her chest.

"You can't even ride a broom" Yaxley threw his broom which she caught immediately with a bored expression decorating her face.

Alora raised an eyebrow at his words as the girl approached him and with the end of the broom she pointed at his chin, titling Yaxley's face to a certain direction so the two of them would be making eye contact, "Yeah but I can certainly beat you with it"

The whole team tried to hide their chuckles at the boy's face except Rosier who laughed out loud not giving a single fuck about anything.

Alora dropped the broom at his feet and continued talking, "Regulus hasn't decided yet who's in or out of the team, so it's in your hands to prove to me you're good enough. Gryffindor won the cup last year and we can't let their ego grow this year as well."

The Slytherins nodded in agreement, her voice turned into a demanding one as soon as she was aware that the situation was completely in her hands and she was completely in control. "You're going to get divided into two teams of six and play a clean game. Does anyone have anything to say against that?"

"I have a question" A boy from the team rose his hand with a cocky grin, "does the best player gets a date with you?"

"Sure darling" Alora agreed to the suggestion since the best players were by far Alex and Rosier so there wouldn't be a problem there. Plus the competitive glances the Slytherins gave to each other made it pretty clear that they would give their everything in this game.

"You have no idea what you started right now" Alex shook his head with a small smile, "there will be war up there"

"Fight for me, Nott" Alora joked as her best friend joined the team up in the air, and since the Slytherins were thirteen a boy from Mulciber's friend group was kicked out and stood arm crossed in the ground with a scold on his face. "The other kids left you out?"

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