₁₅ Arguments and self-control

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THE FIRST PERSON ALORA reached out to after the event was Rosier, after of course, accompanying Arabella to her dorm and waiting until she fell asleep, the Slytherin girl tiptoed back to the dungeons, and luckily enough, the doors were unlocked

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THE FIRST PERSON ALORA reached out to after the event was Rosier, after of course, accompanying Arabella to her dorm and waiting until she fell asleep, the Slytherin girl tiptoed back to the dungeons, and luckily enough, the doors were unlocked. All her friends were worryingly trudging around the room impatiently waiting for news, and when Alora entered, questions were constantly being thrown at her, since patience isn't one of her personality traits, she dismissed them with a short, "Everything is good now, I'll explain tomorrow".

Blair was the first to walk up to the dorm they shared together, the tone Alora was talking made her slightly discomfited and she would rather not deal with her usual attitude as the one-year friendship they had created did not include a three-hundred pages book of how to deal with the brunette's moody moments.

Alex was hesitant to leave the noticeably worried girl, but Evan gave him a little nob as he would be taking care of Alora tonight; the blonde guy was one of the very few people who had memorised the enormous invisible book.

Regulus was nowhere to be seen, but the rest didn't look worried at all and Alora decided not to get involved since she could always ask him tomorrow, and even if he was outside, there was no danger awaiting.

"What's up, Lorry? You okay?" Rosier asked with a soft smile once the room was as empty as a ghost town.

"It's whatever, go to sleep Evan" Alora sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace and as expected Evan joined her, pulling out a packet of cigarettes and handing her one.

"We both know you're not sleeping tonight and who's going to deal with your little attitude tomorrow, huh?"

The comment made her smile, "How nice of you, protecting everyone and all that."

"You know it", Rosier laughed, the blonde wrapped one arm around her shoulder, pulling Alora closer to him until her head was resting on his chest, and he stroked her soft hair with his fingers to calm her down. It was wildly known that Evan's love language was physical touch and Alora was the only person who never complained about his constant need for affection.

She could still recall the moment they both realized that Alora's curse did not affect him anymore and even though the reason was unknown they didn't bother to dig into it, Rosier was just happy to be able to hug his best friend for the first time without having nightmares all night and the week that followed he would not leave her side even for a minute.

They were in the second year and Evan would constantly grab her hand so they could walk together in the corridor or hug her every single morning, Alora at first thought he was doing it because he felt bad. After all, she didn't receive any type of endearment since people tend to avoid her on any occasion but as time passed, the Slytherin girl realized that Rosier was doing it by pure friendliness.

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