Chapter 1

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Sequel to Pure.

Chapter 1

Jessica's POV

It's been a year since I married the love of my life, Harry Styles. We recently finished up tour and just recently I've been given a record deal at the same studio One Direction records through. For three months now I've been writing and working on my own album. Harry had just released his new album and is gone from home a lot. But I'm okay with that, I suppose.

It's just that we haven't had a whole lot of 'US' time. If you catch my drift. It's been several months since I've had anything but a small peck on the lips or sometimes my cheek. But I understand he's busy and I've been mighty busy myself but tonight we've got an anniversary dinner set up by our wonderful management and I'm hoping that Harry wants to end the night the same way I do.

Harry's POV

Condoms? Or no condoms? Hmmmm.

I stood in a store somewhere in London debating on wether or not I should buy condoms. It's been awhile since Jess and I have been able to do more than kiss. I know she's just as horny as me, though. I found a vibrator box under the bed when I was looking for one of my always disappearing socks.

But, the question still remained. Does she want me to wear a condom? The last time we did it without one was the day we made up after her court hearing almost a year ago. Since then its been condom after condom.

I think deep down, she's afraid of being pregnant because she lost the last baby. I personally wasn't sure about the baby situation either. It's hard when you have two parents in a studio or on tour. But then again, I wouldn't be opposed to having a mini me or a mini Jess.

I decided on buying condoms anyways. I guess if it does come down to it, I'll ask her.

I left the store and took off my disguise once I got back in my car. To bad there was no disguising my car because paps surround it as soon as I got in. I finally managed to pull out and head to the tux shop to get a new custom bow tie for tonight. Jess says she loves me in a bow tie.

After the tux shop I went to a flower shop and bought her 4 dozen roses. Those who can't do math, it's 48 roses all together. Then I decided i'd be extra sweet and buy her a diamond infinity necklace that she's been dying to get for a few months now. I swung by Lou's house and saw Lux while Lou fixed me up.

I put on black tight dress pants, black boots, a black button up with a red vest and a red bow tie with black designs on it. I'd sent Jess a black dress with red heels and I knew she had a ruby necklace lying around somewhere. She had a fetish with matching when we went out. I thought it was kind of cute.

I thanked Lou, gave Lux a kiss, and was off to meet my wife at our flat.

Even though its been a year, it was still crazy that I had gotten married.


My phone went off. I looked at the caller ID and it was Niall.

"Hey Niall." I said as I answered my phone.

"Uhm, hey Harry. I've got a bit of bad news" he said.

"What is it? Is it Jess?" I asked as I started to panic and grip my steering wheel tighter.

"She's fine. It's just that...that.."

"Spit it out Niall."

"She's in jail."

My mouth flung open and honestly I didn't know how to feel about that.

"Why is my wife in jail on our anniversary?" I asked calmly.

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