Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

I awoke feeling refreshed. I always feel like that after spending an entire night making love to Jess. I've noticed that not only has her craving for food intensified but so has her craving for sex, or I should say for me. I guess that comes along with the crazy hormones.

Jess was sound asleep on my chest. She was always beautiful but I found it intriguing when she was asleep. Her nose would crinkle up from time to time and she mumbled a lot in her sleep. Usually I would sit here and listen to her mumble but I had to finish what I started last night.

I lightly slipped out from under Jess and grabbed my phone. I tip toed out of the bedroom and slowly opened the door. I closed it back just as slow and walked to the kitchen. Before I made the call, I decided to make some tea for me and start a pot of coffee for Jess.

While it was brewing I took out my phone and dialed the detectives number.

"Ah, Mr. Styles. I was wondering when I would hear from you again." Detective Marshall said when he answered my call.

"I know I know. But did you locate him yet?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"He seems to of disappeared off our radar, son. No ones seen him anywhere in Texas nor has he made him self known with bank transactions. Are you sure he's the one responsible for all these killings?" The detective asked.

"I'm positive." I said sternly.

"Then we need something. An address, license plate number, phone number, car description..."

"I have a number." I said as the realization hit me.

Jess had revived a text from him. Maybe he is still using that number.

"Just one second." I said into the phone.

I placed the phone down on the counter and walked back to the room. I peaked my head in to see if she was still asleep and she was. I tip toed over to her side of the bed and unlocked her phone. I searched her texts but she deleted it.


I sighed as I was putting her phone down but a funny feeling told me to check her recent calls to see if he had tried to contact her in any other way. I looked over and Jess was still mumbling away.

I checked her recent calls and was right. They had talked. But my heart dropped when I saw that she had called him. My blood began to boil and I gritted my teeth.

What the hell was her deal with having a heart for the idiots in this world?! She thinks she can save everyone but can't realize that that isn't possible.

I memorized the number. But as soon as I did the tea pot sounded causing Jess to stir and stretch out her arms. I quickly locked her phone back and put it down before she could see I had it.

Jess opened her eyes and saw me at the side of the bed. She gave me a smile that on any other day would've melted my heart and I would've been putty in her hands. Instead I was too angry to let her morning smile do anything but make me fake a smile back.

"Goodmorning, love. Coffee is ready when you are." I said coldly and turned around.

I didn't mean for my words to come out that meaningless but they did.

"Harry? Are you okay?" She asked in a groggy morning voice.

"Fine." I replied and walked out.

I went back into the kitchen and took the tea pot off the boil and picked up my phone.

"Detective I'm going to text you the number." I said quickly.

"Alright." He replied and I hung up.

I started a new text and put down the number i memorized and sent it quickly before Jess walked in.

She staggered into the kitchen, heading towards the coffee pot. Her dark red hair was tangled into several knots that were the outcome of a long night in bed with me and a bit of sleep. She had on a Rolling Stones tshirt of mine that hung off her shoulders and came to a stop just below the underwear she was wearing.

This look would've had me nipping at her neck in a heart beat but I just didn't have it in me after what I saw. She seemed to noticed.

She was pouring her coffee slowly while she spoke, her back turned to me.

"I know something is bothering you." She said like she knew everything.

"And what gives that impression, love?" I asked sarcastically, holding my tea cup up to my lips.

"Cut the crap Harry. What's got you so upset?" She asked and turned to look me in the eye.

"What did you and Josh talk about last night?" I asked, gripping the handle n my cup and staring into her eyes.

"What gave you the right to snoop through my phone? I thought you trusted me?" She said, angry as well and trying to turn this on me.

"No, no, no. You don't get to turn this on me Jessica Styles. Why did you call him?" I said, raising my voice a little at her.

"Why were you snooping through my phone?"

"I asked first, Jessica."

"Answer mine and ill answer yours."

I slammed my cup down and breaking it in the process and clenched my hands into fists.

"Because I needed his number so I could throw his sorry ass in jail! You happy now?" I yelled, veins popping out in my neck.

Her mouth flung open and she shook her head no.

"If you gave the police his number, so help me God I will walk out and leave!" She hissed.

"Don't bother! I'm leaving!" I yelled and stormed out of the kitchen.

I went into the bedroom and grabbed my suit case. Jessica didn't follow me. She wasn't even going to try and stop me. So, I threw all my belongings into my suitcase. I put on some jeans and a plain white shirt. I collected all my things and put on my shoes. I was going towards the door when I remembered my phone.

I walked back into the kitchen and saw Jessica on her hands and knees sobbing. I should stop now. I should beg her forgiveness and apologize a hundred times. But I was stubborn and so was she. Maybe this wasn't meant to be.

I grabbed my phone and looked at her one last time. Jessica looked up at me with red teary eyes. She looked back down and whipped her eyes. She got up to her feet and her teary eyes were gone. Instead they were serious and full of anger.

"If you leave. It's over. We're over." She said low and harshly.

I flexed my jaw and didn't say a word. Jessica took her right hand and peeled off the ring I had given to her to seal my love for her. She extend her arm and I held out my hand. She placed the ring in my hand and looked away.

Tears threatened to spill over as I looked down at the ring. I wrapped my fingers around it and turned away. I walked to the front door, picked up my suitcase and walked out.

I walked out on the best thing that ever happened to me.

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