Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jessica's POV

A couple weeks passed by and Harry and I went about our normal daily routines.






More studio.


Back home.



That was pretty much our everyday lives as of lately while he wasn't on tour. I did mostly studio time and errands. My first album would be out in December, almost 9 months away. So until then, people didn't know me except as Harry's wife that sings good, which didn't bother me one bit.

But what was bothering me was my period. I hadn't had it and was about a week late. Panic was being to set in one early Tuesday morning.


I tossed and turned all night. Harry went out with Nick and Niall. He volunteered to be their designated driver but stayed out till 6am. That's when I had my melt down.

I laid still, my back facing the bedroom door when Harry silently crept in. I could hear his feet slowly walking across the room. He tried taking off his belt quietly but failed. Once his pants where off and his shirt mad a little thump on our hardwood floors, the mattress sunk down. The mattress made a noises as the pressed down on the springs slowly. He cursed at the bed and finally settled in. Once he got comfortable and was lying down still, I flipped out.

I didn't move but I yelled, and startled Harry.

"Where the hell were you all night Harry Edward Styles!"

Harry jumped and sat up. I mimicked his actions and sat up too.

"I was with Nick and Niall. They were hammered so I drove them both home." He said in defense.

"Don't they have drivers for that sort of situation?" I asked.

"Y-yes but.."

"But what?" I cut off.

"But they asked me to join them so they gave theirs drivers a night off." He said in excuse.

"Well you don't give your wife who hasn't had her freaking period yet a night off! You said you'd be home no later than 1am. I stayed up all night waiting for you!" I yelled and got out of bed, throwing the covers dramatically in his face.

"Ah c'mon Jess. I didn't give you 'the night off' and you're going to have your period. Don't be so dramatic."

To stopped in my tracks when he said his last four words.

Don't. Be. Dramatic.

I turned to him and his eyes were wide, he knew he made a mistake.

"You think I'm being dramatic?!" I said amused and started to laugh.

I'll show him dramatic.

I walked over to him, leaned my face down to his, our my hands on his pillows, and tore them from under his head. I grabbed the comforter and pulled it off the bed as well. I threw them on the hardwood floors and folded me arms.

"Get out." I said through clenched teeth.

He was stumped.

"Jessica." He begged.

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