Chapter 15

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Jessica's POV

This had to be a night mare. The man I love, gave everything and more too, walked out. He literally left me. My heart felt like it had been sliced open. I stood in front of the front door. Repeating "Please come back." For almost twenty minutes. I ran out of tears by time I heard my phone ring in the bedroom.

With hopes that it was Harry, I pulled myself out of my trance and ran to the bedroom. I grabbed my phone and looked down. But it wasn't Harry. I hit my knees and somehow more tears overflowed. It was Niall. I knew he wouldn't stop calling, my best friend had a way of knowing when I was upset.

"Hello.." I croaked.

"Jess, where are you?" He sounded worried and a bit out of breathe.

"N-niall. He...he.. Left. He left me." I said as I broke down even more.

"I know, Jess. Lou told me. Are you at your mums?" He asked, I heard a car door shut.

"Y-yes." I replied.

"Stay there. I'm coming, okay? Everything's going to be okay." He said, trying his hardest to comfort me.

"If you say so." I whispered.

Niall said he'd be here soon and we hung up. I was to fragile and broken to get off the floor. So, I curled up into a ball, holding my knees to my chest on the cold hardwood floors. My tears dripped down onto the floor.

Soon I was crying myself to sleep. My eyelids felt puffy and heavier with each passing minute. I closed them tightly, trying to sleep away the agonizing pain I felt in my chest.

I was startled when I heard a loud knock on my door. My eyes opened reluctantly but I couldn't move. I wasn't sure if I could even speak. I suppose the door was unlocked tho because I heard Niall's voice seconds later but I stayed still.

Niall was at my side quickly and kneeled down next to me. I saw his lips moving but his voice sounded distant like he was a mile away from me. He shook my numb body a few times but I couldn't respond.

He ended up picking me up and putting me on the bed. The bed I made love to my husband, or maybe ex husband, last night. I didn't want to be in this bed but the heart shattering pain held me captive and I still couldn't move.

Niall laid beside me and pulled me onto his chest. His warmth pulled me out of the trance I had fallen into. I sobbed more onto his white tank top. He held me tightly to his chest.

"Sshh. It's okay, Jess. You're going to be okay." He whispered.

That was the last thing I heard before I cried myself asleep again.


I woke up at God knows what time. The curtains were shut tightly and I couldn't tell if it was night or day. I tried remembering what happened after H-h..Harry left. It felt like so long ago, a distant memory. But I soon remembered my bestfriend coming to my rescue. But where was he?

Niall was no longer laying in the bed with me. And the room was silent. But I heard a hushed voice outside of the room. My nosey-ness goy the best of me and I slipped off the bed and slowly walked to the bedroom door. I opened it slowly, thank God it made no noise. I slipped out and into the hallway, tip toeing to the end of the hallway. Soon I could perfectly hear Niall.

"No you don't understand!" He hissed.

It was silent and I peaked my head around and Niall was standing with his back turned to me and looking out a window in the living room. It appeared to be night time.

"What do you want her to do? Raise the kid on her own? You get it on the weekends? You and I both know that's not right Harry."

He was talking to Harry. I felt my heart break more. I almost forgot about bring pregnant. Now I had even more pain in my chest at the thought of sharing custody with Harry some day.

Then I remembered Harry's promise to stand by my side through the whole pregnancy. But he had broken it and I became angry.

"Niall." I said as I walked into view.

I held out my hand, asking for the phone. Niall gave me a weak smile and stopped Harry from whatever he was saying.

"Mate, she wants to talk to you." Niall said and handed me the phone.

"Harry." I said coldly.

"Jessica." He responded.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm staying here where my mom can help me through the pregnancy since someone broke their promise." I hissed.

I heard Harry sigh. He must've forgot but that didn't mean anything. He still broke a promise.

"Jessica, I'm sorry love. Let me come back and apologize properly. Please." He begged.

"Don't bother." I replied and handed the phone back to Niall.

I turned my back to Niall and walked away, tears streaming down my face. How could he think that he could just come back and think a apologize would make it up to me.

I was walking back to my room and there was a knock at the door. Now who could this be? I walked to the door and opened it. I stood in shock.

"Hey Jessica."


"What the bloody hell are you doing here!" Niall yelled and ran in front of me.

"He's here Harry." Niall said and put his phone in his pocket.

Niall stood protectively in between me and a bloody Josh. He was covered in blood. But I couldn't tell if it was his or someone else's.

I caught myself wishing it was his after all the hell he's put me through. Just showing up, contacting me, and everything else. If he had never came back, Harry would still be here.

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