Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

I stood between the girl I swore to protect and the man that I was positive still had every intent of hurting her. Josh had semi dried blood on his hands and splatters on his face. His white wife beater was pretty much red with the same blood from his hands and face.

Josh looked different. I mean, yeah he was covered in blood but he was thinner. He had acquired a thick amount of stubble on his face. He looked tired and completely drained of life. Had I seen him walking down a street, I might not of recognized him.

But one thing was for sure, I did not want him here and I did not want him near Jessica.

"Look here you son of a bitch, if you don't leave, I'll personally end you." I said through clenched teeth.

Josh shook his head no and raised his hands in defense. Jessica still stood silently behind me, if it wasn't for her tense heavy breathing, I might of thought she passed out or was gone.

"I'm here to say goodbye." Josh said in a shaky and scared voice.

"To who?" I asked curiously.

I watched as Josh put his right hand behind his back and slowly pulled out a gun.

"NO!" I heard a deep voice boom.

I looked up and saw Harry running towards Josh. Josh turned around and fired his gun, stopping Harry in his tracks. Harry dropped to his knees.

Josh had shot Harry.

I couldn't tell where because it was pitch black.

"Harry!" Jessica screamed from behind me.

She pushed past me and ran out to Harry. I turned my attention to Josh who stood shaken in front of me.

"What've I done." He whispered.

I was filled with rage the more I looked at Josh. But he still had his gun so I had to be smart about my next move. Before I could even move a finger, though, Josh turned back to me and held the gun up to his temple.

"I swear, I never meant to harm Jess but...I guess I did in many ways." His voice shook more than ever. He shallowed hard and clenched his eyes shut.

I slowly tried to move out to him to stop him but I was too late. Before he pulled the trigger he whispered, "she's safe now."

Then the gun went off. I ran and slid to catch his body from falling onto the concrete ground. His gun dropped out of his hand and onto the ground. I checked Josh's pulse.

Nothing. I felt nothing. Josh was gone and I shed a tear, not for the man that kidnaped and took advantage of Jess, But for the man I called friend before all of that.

I heard Jessica and Harry's voices and I figured it was time to let go of Josh and call the police and paramedics.

Jessica's POV

My eyes grew wide in disbelief as josh's gun went off and Harry dropped like a fly being swat out of air.

"Harry!" I yelled.

I took off running, pushing past Niall and Josh without even glancing back. My vision was blur and foggy because of my hot tears that poured out and down my cheeks. I slid in the grass and knelt beside Harry.

"H-he shot you." I cried, looking at my beautiful husband.

"Hey, hey. I'm fine. He just shot my leg. No harm done and I'm pretty sure it went straight through." He said, struggling to keep in groans in.

I whipped my eyes with the back of my hand so I could see clearly. I looked at Harry's left legs, no wound. Then I looked at his rights leg and a wet substance shimmered in the moonlight. I placed my hand over it and Harry winced and groaned.

"It still hurts though." He muttered through clenched teeth.

He was loosing a lot of blood so I tore off the sleeve of the Rolling Stones tshirt of his I had on with my teeth, probably pulling a few loose. But I ignored the pain I had inflicted on my teeth and pressed the cloth to Harry's leg.

"The whole shirt w-would probably work better." He said.

I looked at his face and even in the moonlight I could see a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Just to see me shirtless, I bet." I joked.

"You caught me." He said, slightly raising his hands for a moment then placing them back on his stomach.

"Nice try Styles." I muttered.

I looked back at his leg and applied more pressure to his leg. He winced and let out another groan. I looked back at Harry to say something sarcastic but was caught of guard by another loud gunshot.

I turned my head and saw Josh falling back and Niall leaping forward to catch him. I watched as Niall frantically ran his free hand up to Josh's neck. Niall bent his head and I looked back at Harry.

"He's dead." It wasn't a question but a realization.

"Y-yes." I said to Harry.

"I was such an idiot to walk out on you Jessica. I love you with everything in me and I will continue to love you even after my heart stops beating. I'm so so sor.."

I had enough of his babbling. I pressed my lips to his to shut him up. Harry's lips; passionate, mine; urgent. I felt as if he might slip away if I didn't kiss him, I never wanted him to leave again. Of course I was still angry with him for not having a civilized conversation with me and just leaving, but he was still my husband and I married him for better or for worse.

Harry and I pulled apart our lips just as sirens could be heard and blue and red lights flashed in front of us. Harry would be fine, they'd fixed him up, but I now worried about Niall. He just witnessed an ex old friend kill himself. I hoped he could survive this.

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