Chapter 18

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"Thank you Orlando! Goodnight!" I say into my microphone one last time for the summer.

I set my guitar in its stand and walk backstage to greet my grinning husband.

It's been two months since the night Josh died and we were finishing up tour. Just in time too. I was three months pregnant and beginning to show. I really needed to take it easy, so Harry and I were on the next flight out of America and back home.

"Hello hubby." I greeted Harry as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He chuckled and wrapped his at s around my waist, planting a kiss on my sweaty forehead.

"You were great, love. I can't wait for you to have your own tour." He said lovingly, his chin resting on the top of my head.

"Don't hold your breath on that one." I mummer.

Harry sighed, we'd been having a feud lately on when I should release my album. I knew once I did, management would begin promos, interviews, photo shoots, and concerts here and there to get my name put there more. And with a baby coming in 6 months, I'd rather not worry about that. But Harry thinks I'm over reacting. He believes management won't push those events in my face knowing I'm pregnant.

We ended up agreeing to disagree because in the end, it was my album so it was my choice. Harry just wasn't a big fan of my choice.

Harry pulled away and gave a half hearted smile.

"Let's get going love, I'm ready to be back in our own bed." He said with a hint of excitement.

I smiled as he took my left hand in his right hand and led me out of the arena and into the car that was parked and running for our quick get away.

Harry and I arrived at the airport and our luggage was taken out of the car by security and they took care of that while Harry and I went in and boarded our plane.

Once we got comfortably seated and security got all our stuff taken care care off, we took off.

Harry took out a magazine and the plane got a little to quiet. Truth be told, I was a little nervous. I had almost forgotten that I had an appointment with my new baby doctor tomorrow in London and I would be finding out the sex of the baby.

My butterflies settled a couples minutes later and I found the courage to tell Harry.

"I have good news." I said, breaking the silence.

Harry moved his eyes from off the pages in front of him to my eyes, awaiting my next sentence.

"Tomorrow! I get....we get, to find out the sex of the baby." I said happily.

Harry's lips curved and a big dimpled smile covered his perfect face.

"That's great!" Harry cheered.

I smiled at him and I felt a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders. To be honest I am completely terrified because I still have a fear of loosing the baby. Until I get to hold him or her, ill always carry that fear.

I ended up am sleeping the whole way back home. Once the plane landed, Harry woke me up. We gathered our belongings and went out to our car that was awaiting us.

I was I need of a Starbucks white chocolate mocha coffee and a Doritos taco. So Harry made a few stops and we headed back to the house or flat.

We got back and Harry took the liberty of unpacking and getting our clothes started in the washroom. I took my coffee and tacos into our bedroom so I could eat and drink comfortably while I watched TV.

I missed my bed and my room. I missed home even though going on tour with Harry was great, nothing could replace the feeling I get when I'm home. And thank God I won't be leaving for awhile, or at least till the baby is born.

I turned on the TV and suddenly my eyelids got heavier. I wasn't that surprised because I read some where that when you're pregnant you tend to sleep more often. And sleep was now all I wanted.

So sleeping is what I did and surprisingly, I slept all through the night.


A/N: sorry I haven't updated in awhile. But I'm starting a new story. It's called 'Fall' its a Zayn fanfic. It starts out as a true story about everything I've been going through. I just broke up with my boyfriend and I needed a way to heal so I'm writing a fanfic to get all my feelings out. If you want to know my story, read it.

I changed all the names of my family, ex, and even myself.

So anyways, next chapter of Joy, y'all will find out the sex of the baby. What do you think it'll be? Boy or girl? Oh, and sorry this is a short chapter.

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