Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harry's POV

Jessica and I watched as Niall stormed into the house. I cracked a smile. Niall was mad at Jess for hitting him when he's the one the snuck up on her, knowing she's already paranoid.

"I think he's mad." I said, stating the obvious.

"Mad!? He's mad!? He's the one that snu.."


A gun went off from behind us, cutting Jessica off.

Someone shot her.

"Jess! Jessica!" I yelled and heard Niall echo as I stood I front of her.

She was standing still. Almost too still. She also wasn't responding. I shook her a little and Niall ran out to find who shot her. I noticed the bullet went through her shoulder. I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to apply some pressure to keep it from bleeding.

"Harry!!! I got him!!" I heard Niall yell.

Niall shortly came back with a dark haired man. He reminded me of someone. Just couldn't pin point the person.

"Niall get Jess in the car." I commanded.

I walked to him and took the gun Niall had pointed at the man.

"Who are you!" I yelled, pointing the gun at the dark haired man.

He didn't speak and I was loosing patience for men that hurt my wife. I took the gun and hit him hard across the face with it, bringing him to his knees.

He spoke.

"I'm only a messenger. No one goes unpunished when responsible for the death of one of the Ocean twins." He said, spitting out blood.

Twins? Tim Ocean was a twin!

"Who sent you?!" I yelled.

"You'll know soon enough." The man spoke.

Then he drew a large knife from his back and plunged it deep into his chest, killing himself.

I stepped away. He was dead by his own hand and I had a wife to tend to.

As Niall and I rushed Jess to a hospital, we both made phone calls. Niall alerted the boys and I call the police and Paul.

When we got to the hospital, Paul was already there and police were too. They took Jess in the back to fix her up while Niall and I talked to the police.

We both told them what happened and I told them the information the man told me about how this was only a warning and about Tim Oceans twin brother that sent him.

An inspector on our case left the hospital to dig up any information on Tim's twin and went to my flat to clean up the mess and the boys and I waited on news from the doctors.

An hour passed and a doctor came out

"Mr. Styles?" He asked.

"Yes, is my wife okay?" I said frantically as I stood up.

"She is. The bullet exited the body so the hard part was already done. We cleaned her wound, stitched her up, and gave her some pain medicine. We would like to keep her for a week, though. We need to make sure the wound doesn't get infected." The doctor said.

"Yes, of course. May I see her?" I asked

"Right this way, she's awake but her medicine will put her to sleep soon." He commented as we walked to her room.

The doctor walked me in the closed the door as he left Jessica and I alone. She was breathing very hard and her eyes were closed but she was humming a unknown tune. I put my hands on her free hand.

"Hey hubby." She croaked.

I grab her a cup of water and she downed it.

"Thank you." She said, still a little raspy but better.

"I suppose the universe doesn't want us to have children." I joked.

She smiled and closed her eyes.

"Maybe cause we'll be bad parents." She said.

"Me, maybe, but not you, love. Any child would be lucky to call you mum."

I said in all seriousness.

"I guess only time will tell." She said, looking at me.

I nodded my head and didn't say anything else for a while.

She began to hum.

"What song is that?" I asked.

"Mine." She said proudly.

"I have to hum it so I won't forget the melody until I get to record it." She said, giving me an idea.

She hummed again and this time I hummed with her and memorized it as well.

When she fell asleep Paul came in to talk to me.

"What is it Paul?" I whispered.

"It's about the twin." He whispered back, something crinkled in his hand.

"What about him?" I asked.

Paul shook his head no and I looked at him confused. What did he know?

"He is....a she." Paul said clearly.

Tim's twin is a woman? And currently trying to take out my wife?

Hell no.

A/N: I know this was a short chapter but I'm trying not to put too much information into one chapter. Don't hate me! Oh and if y'all could, read my other fanfic, CURE, it's a Liam fanfic I'm writing at the moment too.

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